Chapter 10: Wake up

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Moon wakes up in the bed in his new room. Moon tries to sit up then gets hit with pain. He takes off his shirt and sees nicks, cuts, bruises, blood, and holes.

Moon can't move because of the blood loss and pain. Moon says "Why the hell did this happen to me for? I just had to deal with Hikari. Can't I ever get a break? It doesn't matter!"

Moon stops and thinks "Did Mother betray me? I shouldn't have trusted her! Wait, there is a chance that she is not involved and I just so happened to be abducted. Yeah, right... That's it."

His thoughts begin to spiral more out of control. He began having more negative thoughts like "Why did I trust her? All she ever did for me was give birth. Any woman could give birth."

Moon's face started to be lit with despair.

The speaker says "Why despair? You're in safe hands, Mister Crow." Moon shouts "Shut the hell up! Don't call me that." The speaker says "So how do you like your new room?" Moon says "I hate it. I feel like a caged bird." The speaker says "Well this pretty bird has a new roommate for life."

Moon says "What do you mean for life?" The speaker says "Didn't your mother tell you? Silly women. I guess Ravens don't care for their own."

Moon's face becomes more warped with despair. Astro says "Stay calm." After hearing her voice he began to feel better. He thinks "I just need to calm down. Calm down. Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!"

Moon calms down and decides to try to get more information from his captor.

Moon thinks "He could be lying. I can't believe everyone. You learned that the hard way. I must get some information before I get my escape.

He says "Person in the speaker. What is your name?"

The room becomes silent for some time then the speaker says "Call me Scientia. It's Latin for knowledge. Moon asks "What is Latin?" Scientia becomes silent again.

Scientia takes a huge breath and laughs "HAHA HAHA HAHAHA!" All the air Scientia left.

Scientia says "A demon like you doesn't know anything!" Moon says "Speak then!"

Scientia says "Let me give you an O so great lesson in the world. This place, this land we live on is called Kanco Island. Do you know why?" Moon says "Some funder named it that. I don't know." Scientia says "You really don't pay any attention in school. Anyway, we live on an Island." Moon says "So what?"

Scientia says "Here comes the fun part! We are not the only piece of land." Moon says "Bullshit!" Scientia says "I know you don't pay attention but just let me finish. It's very important since the books don't cover it."

Moon thinks "He must be lying. If it was true. I would... I would have left this crazy island as a kid. I wouldn't have stayed in this hell sought land."

Scientia says "I was shocked when I learned this too. I thought this was amazing. This little island was isolated from the rest of the world. One of the many reasons we haven't left is because of the whirlpools and Kraken. The government doesn't know about this. I do bet the royal family knows."

Moon thinks "He got to be shitting me! He is lying. I mean why believe the enemy?"

Scientia says "As you know, the royal family and the government aren't on the best of turns. War is still going on to this day." Moon says "Why didn't you publish your finding?"

Scientia says "I can't. How would you get a family that has lived for generations to open up about secrets. This may be their strength. Why would I put a big bounty that says "lookie lookie here! I want to die." I do value my life."

Moon says "Why open a gate to the demons?" Scientia says "I move on logic. Say I open a portal to hell or even the gods. Wouldn't that be a first-world threat? No one country can handle it. Plus, the other world could just spread the news for me."

Moon says "No one would believe you!" Scientia says "Who would need to when you can feel fear? The fear will make them doubt and think. The war would get even bigger giving freedom. My name would be put in the history books forever!"

Moon says "If it happens, you would be labeled as the world's biggest villain." Scientia says "Not every great mind was good. I may be labeled as the world's biggest idiot. So what! A god showed me the path and I shall follow."

Moon says "Your fucking insane! Your more batshit crazy than my sister."

Scientia says "You are listening aren't you god? Watch as my dreams come true and your will is made."

A gas pours from the walls and Moon starts to breathe it in. Moon begins to lose consciousness. Moon struggling to stay awake says "I don't give a shit about this world but I have to stop you. I have to save Hii... kari. I owe... her." Moon passes out.

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