Chapter 20: I'm not special!

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A child wakes him up. This child poked at him. Moon looked at the child. The child was clean from head to toe. She had no blemish on her face—no scars on the body.

This makes Moon furious. He cries and says "Why... you?" The child responds "Why what?" Moon says "Why do you get to live the good life? Why do you people look down on us? Is it because we are trash? Is it because we have nothing?"

The child says "I am Hikari. What's your name?"

Moon shouts "What does that matter?!"

Hikari says "Because I want to know." Moon says "Why do you want to know?"

She says "I have a feeling. You are special." Her eyes sparkle.

Moon says "I... special. I am not special. I am your average garbage from the slums. Not talent, no future. Just a thief and a murderer." His head begins to hurt. Forcing him to stop talking.

"Are you ok?" Hikari says while reaching out her hand to Moon.

Moon snatches her hand away and says "I don't want your pity. I will leave this hell on my own. I have to. For them."

Hikari reaches out and says "I will take you away. Let's leave the slums together."

He says "Why would I trust you?" He takes another good look at Hikari.

He looks at her bright-colored hair, golden yellow eyes, and lastly her smile. It was filled with trust and happiness.

Moon's tears begin to flow even harder. He thought "Why do I have life this way? What makes people like me different? To hell with the life I live! I would rather die." He says while reaching for her hand "Take me from this pain... this hell."

Hikari locks hands with Moon and says "You can forget the pain because you are special. No matter what I will protect you."

These words echo in Moon's mind and make him stop looking back at memories and look at the situation ahead of him. He looks at the ground and sees Astro right next to him. She is just floating.

Astro says "So you just going to give up?"

Time stops and Moon stops falling.

Moon says "Why continue? I'm not special." Astro says "So what if that's what you think? Any human chosen by a god is special."

"So what? Like I believe that! Thats bullshit! For all I know, you could be fake. Just a figment of my imagination." He said

This makes Astro furious and she says "I will show you the power of god."

Astro summons a staff and grabs it. She waves it and a star explodes. Moon is stunned by this.

After the star bits, Move a black hole is formed. The black hole covers the moon and eats the stars slowly one by one. Astro says while all of this is happening "I am the god of space. Space is my domain, my palace. I could destroy the world if I wanted to with just the power in my staff and some mana."

"I want power like that," he said. The demon says "I can give you power far greater." The demon projects itself as a ghostly shady figure in front of Moon. Astro says "Lying demon. Demons are far too weak compared to gods." The demon says "Says some puppet." Moon says "I want power that makes me special. I am done trying to be normal. It doesn't suit me."

He looks at both of them and says "I want to change. Help me become strong. That is my desire."

Astro says "Only if you become a hero." The demon says "That is some decent desire coming off you for now. My name is being formed." The demon goes back into Moon and makes him close his eyes.

Moon is forced unconscious. The black being is transformed. The demon now has red horns and a tail. The demon says "Call me Dev." Moon says "What a basic name." Dev says "Quiet."

Moon looks around and sees a cage. He walks over to the cage and touches it. He gets stung by it. He asks "What's this?" Dev says "A cage by our subconscious to house me. Your fragile little mind can't handle me yet. You have your gift now."

Moon begins to wake up.

Time begins to flow back to normal. Moon continues to fall.

Hikari's black tentacle grabs the building and launches her into Moon, holding him. She uses her tentacles to give them a safe landing. She lets him go and then resummons her tentacles.

Moon gets a massive headache forcing him to get a blood-curdling pain. He screams in pain. He shouts at the top of his lungs "FUCK FUCK! IT HURTS! SO MUCH PAIN."

Hikari stares at Moon. She zones out. She thinks "What do I do? He was fine before he jumped. Is it shock? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?"

Hikari gets punched in the head by a familiar figure. It appears to be Eclipse.

He says "Focus on what you can do." Hikari says "How did you get here?" Eclipse continues "That doesn't matter right now. He saved you so go save that bastard of a brother of ours."

Hikari glares at him and says "Don't belittle him. I will be the one to protect him. I... promise him."

Eclipse says "Stop wasting time."

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