Chapter 11: Break Break

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Hikari is on the school roof of the school, and her, Moon, and Eclipse go to. She is sitting on a bench. It's noon, lunchtime in fact.

Hikari looks up at the sun and says "He has been missing for more than two weeks? I hate waking up not next to him. Where are you? Are you safe?"

Hikari gets a ding from her phone. She grabs her phone from one of her pockets. She looks and sees its form a private number. Her lock screen is Moon sleeping.

The private number left her a message. It reads "Your big brother is losing blood. At this rate, he will die." She stares at the word "die". She repeats the word in her head "Die... Die." She thinks "Moon will die." She laughs "HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HA HA HAHAHAHA"

She stands up and says "No. I won't let that happen. No why in hell." Hikari thinks "His mouth is rubbing off on me. I don't know if it's a good thing."

Hikari didn't question the sender and left to find Moon. She gets to the front of the school and closes her eyes. She says "Slime, Slime who bines our eyes. Where is mine?" Hikari begins to feel where Moon is and leaves to find him.

Moon wakes up. He is still in pain. The nicks, cuts, bruises, blood, and holes are still there. It looks like it's seeping through the shirt. He thinks "For a test subject. I'm not getting much treatment. Anyway, I don't have time to think. I need to get up and move. Move... Move... MOVE!"

Moon drags his body to the floor. He falls out of bed, giving him more pain. The loss of blood gets bigger. Moon gives all his might to get up. He uses the bed as a way up. He grips the bed with all he has.

He barely managed to get up using the bed. All his blood leaks from his shirt to the bed. His bed is covered in blood. Moon looks at the bed and thinks "There is no time. I might even be too late. Shit!" Moon stumbles on his way to the door. More pain is created with each step.

Standing up straight is already a burden on his body but he keeps pushing himself. He keeps moving forward. He keeps moving all for one goal.

Moon reaches the door. The door is in no way menacing in any way shape or form. Moon's body is weak. His body feels like he is more than just malnourished. It feels like they only gave him water and sugar to make him create more blood.

Moon thought while resting on the door "Blood. What is so special about my blood? Is my blood really that of a demon? Am I even human anymore?"

Moon musters all the strength he has and punches the door he is resting on.

All the force he gave to the door backfired and made his first full of blood. He thought "Blood. More blood. All this pain for blood and knowledge."

Moon begins to slow down. His heartbeat starts to slow down too. Everything around him begins to slow down for him. The lights in his room start to dim a bit. Moon's eyes begin to close as he feels that they all are too heavy.

Moon resting on the door has only one thought left "Heavy... It's all too heavy."

Moon's body begins to fall. Moon's eyes close. Moon seems to be falling slowly. His heartbeat slows more. He feels himself falling slowly. Moon is so tired and out of it that he can't think. He stops breathing. He stops doing anything.

Moon can't hear anything and everything becomes dark. In mind, soul, and body.

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