Chapter 5: Despair Hug

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Moon wakes up in his bed. Next to him is his sister Hikari. She is sleeping in his bed with him.

Hikari is only in a white t-shirt and underwear.

Moon's room had only one window that had messed up blinds that had some light from the setting sun peering out. His wall was a dingy white color.

His room and little to no life to it. Like someone was preparing to leave.

Moon is still terrified by what happened. The fear he felt shocked him. He hates the feeling of helplessness. He wants to get stronger but doesn't know how to get stronger in the first place.

He hugs his sister intensely. This wakes her up. She says "Your finally awake!"

Moon asks "Do you hate me?" Hikari says "No. Why would I?" Moon says "I'm your big brother yet I can't beat you in anything. Both you and him are so much better than me."

Hikari headbutts Moon. Moon shouts "Shit! What was that for?" She says "We both know that in school I am better than you in most subjects." Moon shouts "Most! Bullshit! Math 50, Science 40, and 30 in both language and Reading. I could keep going!"

Hikari says "So what. In sports, you have always been better than me." Moon says "Sports? You are a track star. Hell, you were even on t.v!"

Hikari says "Why are you being so bitter?" Moon lets her go and gets out of bed. Moon says "I'm not bitter, I just realized that you're better. I just realized my own worth." Moon turns to a nearby mirror and looks at his eyes.

He looks at how freakish his eyes look. One eye is blood red and another is bright yellowish gold.

He changes his clothes from a black hoodie and black jeans to a dark red hoodie with a bit of the color faded out of it.

So he walks over to his closet. His closet was dirty and messy.

Hikari says "Better? Your life is free from most expectations." Moon takes off his black hoodie and grabs a dark red hoodie that has a bit of the color faded out of it.

He removes his pants and says "Maybe I want those expectations." Hikari turns her head away from Moon.

Moon puts on the hoodie then grabs a newer pair of black jeans then puts it on.

Hikari says "You don't want to be burdened with the looks of other people's hope!"

Moon says "I wouldn't know since no one has ever looked at me with hope before. Do you know what it is like to have everyone look down on you? Let them think that you are nothing. That your worse than dirt."

Hikari shouts "How would I know if you never tell me!"

Moon says "Wouldn't that be my problem."

Hikari's face turns violent. She is empowered with rage. She shouts "I am your family! You bastard!"

Moon says "You are right. I am a bastard. One with no future, no goals, or talent. What am I good for?"

Hikari takes a deep breath and says out of nowhere "I love you."

Moon shocked by this says "Ha... Like family?"

Hikari says "Since the first time I met you. I saw the sadness in your eyes and the loneliness. I wanted to ease your pain. Since being here you have never even smiled at all."

After saying that she begins to cry.

Moon says "I can't feel the same way. You would be happier with someone else."

Hikari rushes out of the bed and punches Moon in the cheek.

The force was enough to knock him to the ground. Moon bit inside his mouth on the way down. Blood is now in his mouth.

Hikari shouts "Who told you that! Who told you that I would be happier with someone else? I have been lonely too. It has always been just me and you."

Moon says "No one did! But you and Eclipse are so much better than me in everything! The only talent I have is causing trouble." Hikari says nothing.

Moon says "See! Even you can't find anything good about me." Moon gets up and tries to leave out the door. Hikari hugs him and shouts "Wait! Don't leave me."

Moon says "Leave me alone and don't look for me." He pushes her away. This causes her to fall to the ground.

Moon slams his door in her face and walks out of the house then, disappears into the night.

Soon after Hikari goes out to look for him. She calls him on her phone. He doesn't pick up. So she calls over and over again.

Hikari is out in the night shouting "Moon where are you? Please come back!" Tears began to run down her face.

Then a hand comes from the darkness and it greets her. The person says "I will help you find him." Hikari runs away from the hand. This person reveals himself from the darkness to be Aku no. Aku no chases Hikari. Aku no overwhelmed by emotions says "This is so much fun! All the boredom I had for years is being cured. I am a firm believer in the goddess now!"

Hikari hears all of this and doesn't make any sense of what he is saying.

Hikari says "Leave me alone!"

Aku no smiles while chasing her. Hikari gets cornered by Aku no. He reaches for her and takes her. He stuffs her into a bag and says "I have the bait now all that is left is for him to show up."

Aku no makes a quick getaway with his bait.

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