Chapter 17: Who am I?

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We all have thought about that voice in our heads. The voice could be mistaken for an evil voice.

The voice that says "Why have one cookie when you could have them all?" or "Why help the old lady cross the road when you can just leave her be?"

We call this selfish. The thought of looking out for number one is just human instinct.

Some call the voice "Human reasoning or the demon". We all call it something.

Moon struggles to find it anyway. He puts his hands on his head and says "How can I? How can I? HOW CAN I?"

He struggles more to find his answer "Think think think! FUCK! I can't think of anything at all."

Hikari licks Moon's cheek while saying "I will keep you safe. I will make you mine."

This creeps him out.

The room's atmosphere only gets worse by the deep eye lock they have on each other. Moon waits as the mood tends to hit his heart. He waits as if he is the prey of Hikari's hunt.

Time continues to move as they are in the endless eye stare. Til some force that neither of them expects emerges onto the scene.

Words came from the opening door "Get off him and eat some breakfast."

Both of them knew who that person was. It was Hikari's Mom, Amaterasu. No one knew if her name meant something special but we knew it had some power over it.

Amaterasu was a woman who was nice all the time but could blow up at any time with rage. She is a woman that Moon wouldn't even mess with.

They turned to face her both in a cold fear.

Amaterasu looks at Moon up and down, then sees him fully ready to leave. She shouts "IF YOU DARE TO LEAVE AGAIN! I WILL COME AND DRAG YOUR ASS BACK!"

He thought "She cursed. I know she ain't playing. I might have to risk it.

Amaterasu looks Hikari up and down. Amaterasu had a look of terror on her face as Hikari decided to move her black slime-like tentacle closer to the door. Amaterasu was in pure shock at what her daughter had become. Then she looked at Hikari's dark gold despair-filled eyes.

Now both the mother and daughter had a combo of sorrow.

Moon sees the tentacle stop moving, thinking, "I have to run now while she is distracted."

Moon blots out of the door while pushing the fear-stricken mother out of the way before the Hikari had the chance to trap him.

The push made Amaterasu fall to the ground and get out of her dazy.

The sudden movement of Moon stopped Hikari's frozen expression.

Moon only ran as fast as he could. Fear and the unserntity made him not even think at all.

Moon hears a voice in his head, in the stream of other thoughts that he is having "Everyone has a mask. Let that go. Just make a wish. Let your desires run wild."

Moon kept running and running as it continued to speak in his head. Moon trips and crashes down to the floor and tumbles.

The voice asks "Why did you run? Was it fear? Or was it something else?"

Moon says while panting "Why did I run? I ran... I... ran..."

The voice says "I think. It was out of fear."

Moon shouts "Like hell! She's family."

The voice says "I don't think your version of family is the same as everyone else. Don't cling to something you don't have."

Moon shouts "What the hell do you know about me? What life I have lived? What I had to do to survive?

The voice says "I know everything about you. We do share the same body now. I will always remember what you try to forget.

Moon says "She is the first family I have ever had. I can't understand why I run.

The voice says "So that's what you can't remember. This is gonna be fun."

Moon says "Why can't I move?"

The voice says "Human instinct. Fear is what drove you to run. It is the reason you are alive."

Moon says "Who are you? Why are you in my body and why can I only hear you?"

The voice says "You wanted me in your body. You wanted power immediately."

Moon thinks of the contract.

He says "The contract with that demon."

The voice smiles and says "Correct!"

The voice continues "I have no name. and I am a demon. So tell me your wish?"

Moon says "I want power. Power to stop feeling fear. Power to be on top. I never want to feel powerless again."

The demon says "Too reasonable of a wish. I can't grant that."

Moon says "Why is that?"

The demon says "Lack of desire. Moon, what is it that you desire?

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