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Joshua kept on stomping his leg in nervousness. One of the most popular Kpop bands SEVENTEEN was currently in L.A after their concert, giving an interview. Being one of an English speaking member Joshua has to speak most alongside Vernon but he was always so anxious. Scared he might mess up something. He admires Vernon for being brave and answering questions without feeling an ounce of nervousness.

They were now giving the answers of questions, questioned by global fans and of course joshua and Vernon were in charge to read the questions. He was sitting in back row, bitting his nails and lips as time was ticking and interview was nearing. He flinches feeling a hand on his thigh, he looks beside him and sees him. He was looking ahead but his hand on Joshua's thigh was assuring him that everything is going to be alright. Soon interview started but hand didn't disappeared. Whenever he felt that Joshua was feeling nervous he would squeeze his thigh, in order to comfort him.

Soon all the nervousness dissipated as everyone started talking. His warmth and assurance through the hand brought Joshua at ease and he was able to read every question smoothly. After finishing one interview, they had to give other too. As tomorrow will be their last day here, they had to finish 3 interviews consecutively. For this interview they had to change their positions. Joshua was now sitting in middle at front row while he was at back.

"So Joshua! How does it feels to live in Korea? I heard you were born in America and lived here for 18 years, what changes did this moving out brought?" Interviewer asked and Joshua forces a smile. His head was aching because of so much stress he was feeling. The staff's pressure, tiredness of last 4 days of concert, endless practices, everything was taking tole on him.
He rubs his sweaty hands on his black slacks and clears his throat, ready to answer the question. He glances back from his peripheral vision and the image of him smiling and starring at him came into his view. Joshua felt relaxed as they made eye contact and he answers.

"If I tell honestly not much changed, I'm the same person I've used to before. But yeah if I must say I got Good Friends and I'm happy that I did. The members makes me feel like I'm their family. Whenever we have a vacation and i won't be able to come here and meet my parents their families treat me as their own son. So you can say I Got 12 different families because of this moving out." Joshua says and his members looks at him lovingly. Interviewer chuckles and appreciates the answer. Joshua again glances back and sees him smiling. He smiles in content. The interview finishes and they all went home.

Joshua closes his eyes as soon as his body hits the soft mattress of his bed. He sighs in content and peace, drifting in and out to sleep. He was waiting for someone. He hears his room's door click opening after a while, he feels the bed dipping behind him and someone wrapping their arms around his waist. Familiar scent fills the room and Joshua relaxes his tired body in his arms. He feels his warm breath on his neck, with a soft peck from cold lips. Which Joshua loved to taste.

Joshua turns around and keeps his head on the Person's chest. Who became his everything in very short time. When Joshua first came Korea from America he didn't know how he would survive. He knew it would be hard. But when Joshua saw him entering their practice room. With eyes filled with nervousness, hands trembling slightly, Joshua knew he would survive, wether it was inside the entertainment or outside. He wanted to survive, inside or out with This person.

He stole Joshua's heart the second Joshua talked to him. Joshua knew he would want to hear his voice daily. The moment he smiled at Joshua for very first time Joshua knew he was addicted to that smile. Joshua just knew that no matter what Joshua wanted to be with him.
He wanted to be his. He knew that no one would accept them when they'll come out. But everything would go alright As long as they keep it Lowkey.

Joshua dips his head more in his chest and inhales his intoxicating scent, scent of strawberries. It's sweet but delicious and addicting. It drives Joshua crazy and has full control over his senses. Joshua looks up, locking eyes with the man who stole his heart in one look. He leans in and kisses his lips. Which Joshua was obsessed with. They tasted like vanilla, Joshua's own tasted like peaches, as he told him. Parting Joshua again keeps his head on his chest, feeling himself going to sleep. And why won't he, he was in his Home's embrace.

"I love you Joshuji." He hears him saying. Tho joshua was in sleep, he still answered.
"I love you too Jeonghaniee."

Everything was alright. They were each other's. Nothing could go wrong. As long as they would keep it Lowkey.


Here is one more Jihan one-shot.

Enjoy~ and don't forget to leave comments okay??

I like reading your comments and it gives me more motivation to write new One-Shots....

I know this one is short but I couldn't think of more what to write....hehehe🤭😅

Btw I love that edit on top, my eyes brimed with tears when I saw it don't know why...


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