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Prince Joshua stares down the well as water shines under the sunlight. He sees how water molds in waves under his slender fingers. The hard touch of cold water with his soft fingers made his soul at ease. The pain in his heart was subsided with the empty and numb feeling in his chest. Joshua hated it, he hated how he was so vulnerable to his emotions and feelings , which kept on blooming inside his heart like a spring flower. He closes his eyes and wishes. He wishes to have someone who can understand him, who came reciprocate his feelings. He wishes to have someone he could laugh with, someone who could love him. He wishes for a companion, for a partner.

"I wish for my love to be reciprocated."


Jeonghan yawns as he lays on his sofa lazily, sofa which is made out of a cloud. It's fluffy and warm and always makes Jeonghan feel sleepy. But guess what today isn't the day for him to rest, as Now someone is banging on his door hard. He gets up, annoyed. Walking to his door, which was nothing but a hue created of fog, but it was still strong and heavy. Jeonghan still couldn't understand how can it be so strong if it is just made of fog? He opens his door only to see an Archangel standing there. "Now What?" He asks, it's third time today that he is here on his door. He's been living here in Heaven for what years? He doesn't even remembers.. it's been decades he was brought here in Heaven. But he still can't understand how they have so much energy to work non stop.

He gets tired easily. He stares down at the archangel who was smiling sheepishly. "You have to go to earth." He says in one breath and Jeonghan just stares at him. "Nice joke." He says and turns around. It's been decades he was brought here but was never sent to earth never ever. Whenever he asked the gods they would only reply with, "you're too powerful to go down there" or "we don't have work for you down there."
And now when an Archangel was standing in his door way and saying that he was getting send to earth he was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"I'm not joking Jeonghan hyung. Gods said it themselves. You're being sent to earth." Jeonghan turns around and again stares at Soonyoung an Archangel. "Why now? They never sent me when I asked to what's so special?" Jeonghan questions and let's Soonyoung come inside his house. "Well they said that someone called for it. And they are not too heartless to not accept his wish." Soonyoung says and takes the glass of juice Jeonghan was offering. "Seems like someone important huh?" Jeonghan says in return and sits on his fluffy sofa. "Yeah I guess so."
"So what do I have to do?" Jeonghan asks.

"You just have to go down there. Be his friend and make the person he loves fall in love with him." Soonyoung explains. "So you mean i'm going down on earth for the first time ever just to play as a matchmaker?"
"Uh yeah?" Soonyoung says, unsure and Jeonghan sighs at that, he seems very annoyed and Soonyoung gulps hardly in fear.
After all no one wants to anger the most powerful angel. Who isn't even aware of his whole powers yet. Well it is a good kept secret.
And tha secret being, that Jeonghan is not just angel but half demon too. And he posses powers same as demons and angels, but more leveled up. Only Jeonghan is unaware of this fact. And they don't plan on revealing it to him.

"Ughh I hate it." Jeonghan groans. "Just give me his details and tell me when I have to go."
Jeonghan asks and Soonyoung hands him a file. Which had a picture and some information of the boy. For a second Jeonghan was stunned by looking at the picture. Boy was beautiful, too much. If not he could be considered as an angel, he was beautiful more beautiful than angels. Jeonghan just kept on starring at tha picture. He didn't even knew when Soonyoung left. Jeonghan sighed, these gods are beyond his understanding. He doesn't know why now all of the times they are sending him on earth, when there are many experienced cupids, who know this more than him.

JIHAN ONE-SHOTS (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now