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Joshua stirs in his sleep, as he opens his eyes and closes his alarm off. Sitting up on bed he rubs his eyes, when they fell on the digital clock in his room. His eyes goes wide seeing the time. It stated "7:00am" he immediately gets up and rushes towards his apartment door. Reaching the door he opens it and smiles widely. Seeing the bouquet of Snowdrops with a small paper. He picks it up, looking around a bit just so he could get a glimpse of person who left it. When he couldn't find he went inside. Closing the door he neatly placed the flowers in new vase. After that he opens the small piece of paper which comes with flowers daily.

Dear Joshuji,
I hope today your day will go well....You know yesterday I saw a beaded bracelet and I really liked it...I'm thinking of making us a one pair. So we could have one thing matching as a couple. Would you like it? I hope so you do..I don't have much time as my classes are early I'd finish here.
Don't forget, I love you...and take care of happy and keep smiling I like your smiling face.


Joshua smiles at the letter. JOSHUA HONG the handsome gentleman from states as whole college calls him. Joshua moved to Korea a few months ago to complete his rest of studies in his parents home country. Joshua has always been a friendly and outgoing person. He has many friends and almost everyone at college knows him. He is kind and helps anyone who needs him. Hence his nickname Gentleman. But there's one thing he hasn't told anyone but only his close friends. That there is someone who leaves A bouquet of Snowdrops with small letters on his doorstep daily.This all started a month ago and now Joshua looks forward to it every night he goes to sleep. But this not only happens on his doorstep, Sometimes he would receive them on his usual table where he eats in cafeteria, sometimes in the last book of his favorite asile in library. Sometimes even in his locker, this
Usually happens when he's feeling down and needs to cheer up. These letters and small gestures always made him happy and giddy and soon he found himself falling for this mysterious person whom he knows nothing about but the initials. "YJH"

Joshua neatly folded the letter and putted it in the box he started to collect the letters in. Whenever he feels sad and lonely he starts to read the letters from start. They gives him strength and makes him realize that there is someone who loves and cares for him....Joshua gets ready and makes him way out...coming out he locks his apartment and statrs to walk down the street, making his way to his college. There is one more thing about his secret admirer, he also goes to same college as Joshua. Joshua did tried to find him there but alas he failed.

He reached the college and found his best friend standing at gate waiting for him. "Vernon." Joshua calls but Vernon doesn't looks up. As usual younger has been zoned out. "Vernon." He goes near him and shakes him lightly, taking him out of his thoughts. "Where are you lost I've been calling you?" Joshua asks as they both started to make their way inside college. "Just here and there. You know me." Vernon replies. "Yeah yeah. So how was dinner last night? Did you talked to your parents?" Joshua asks as they reached near their lockers and started to rummage through it. "Yeah I did and guess what they said No as usual. I don't understand what their problem is? I am an adult I have a part time job. So what's wrong with me moving in with my boyfriend in different apartment?"

"Hmm give them sometime and try to talk to them calmly..I know how you 'talk' so try again one time and make them believe you're ready to have a responsibility they'll surely give you permission." Joshua suggests as both of them made their way to their classes. "No wonder my parents like you so much. You're so much wise and responsible." Vernon compliments him. The first ever compliment Joshua had heard from him (not literally)....if Joshua say so himself. They both parted their ways as reaching Joshua's class. Joshua entered inside and makes his way to his usual place. Sitting down he sees his other friend and seat mate already sitting and going through notes. "Good morning Wonu." Joshua says as he sits. "good morning hyung. How're you? Tell me what did your secret admirer said this time?" Wonwoo asks as soon as Joshua made himself comfortable on his seat.

JIHAN ONE-SHOTS (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now