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Joshua felt like dying, the pain in his chest kept on raising every single second he breathed, the blood on his hands made his head hurt in anxiety, his unusual pale and thin skin, trembling and worn out lips, everything was hurting and he wasn't able to do anything. "Shua?" Jun's voice echoed and Joshua immediately cleaned up himself and the scattered petals and blood. He stood up from cold bathroom marble and fixed his hair and face. "Yes Jun?" Joshua asks as he opens the door and find very much worried Jun standing their. "Was that coughing sound I heard? Are you sick shua? If you are, tell me I'll take you to hospital." Jun immediately holds onto him, as he noticed Joshua swaying. "Ah nah jun, there's nothing like that, Just a normal cold. You know weather is changing and all." Joshua waves his hand away.

"You sure you're fine?" Jun once again asks, Jun may acts like a 5 year old but he is a really reliable friend anyone wish to have. The concern in Jun's eyes made Joshua guilty and hate himself more than he already did. "Yes."
Lies, He knows he's lying and it's not good, it's isn't some normal cold but a disease but Joshua doesn't wants them to worry about him especially when they have so much to do. For example, Filming going Seventeen, Just now. "Oh my god, Juniee let's go we have shoot." Joshua says with wide eyes and they both ran together to the room.

Joshua found out a few weeks ago, He has a disease, Specifically HANAKAI-a disease born from unrequited love. Joshua knows who he loves, he knows for whom his heart beats. After all he's been loving him from trainee days so it would be ridiculous he wouldn't know. But he too knows that the person doesn't loves him back. That he doesn't feel same for joshua and nothing hurts more than that. Joshua started coughing petals 4 weeks ago, the coughing and pain in his lungs made his energy drain fully. He started to get tired really quickly, His skin was getting paler and paler passing day. His legs would start to tremble whenever he would stand too long. So joshua went to doctor, His family doctor, who was fortunately in Korea, he met up with him and told him about his conditions and that's how he got to know he had a disease which is result of his feelings.

Joshua was devastated when he got to know the cure,

"there are two cures for this disease son, 1)the person you love will love you back
2)Have Surgery to remove the flowers. But-"

"But what Uncle" Joshua remembers asking.

"After having surgery you won't have any feelings for the person you love and if you don't have surgery and your love still is unrequited, You could die Shua. And just so you know if you start to cough flowers, it means you'll be at last stage."

Joshua sighs as he eyes the flower in his hand. A Daffodil- Joshua never thought a pretty flower could cause this much pain. He stands up and walks out of the room to continue filming, not before discarding the coughed up flower in dustbin. "Ayy Joshuji where were you huh? We've been waiting for you." Jeonghan says and Joshua heart's hurt at the smile and wrapped arm around Jeonghan's. Oh how Joshua wish he was the reason Jeonghan smiled and he would be the one in Jeonghan's arms. "I-i got caught up with something." He smoothly lies, he's have became very good at lying that even Jeonghan isn't able to catch it. "Wow Shua you and Jun are looking so cool, Wearing same couple clothes, is it just the clothes or?" Seungcheol wiggles his eyebrows making Jun blush and Joshua frown.

"There's nothing like that, Even you both are wearing same type of clothes." Joshua remarks. "Well firstly, We both have different colors and secondly we're a couple so it's alright but I think you're hiding something, Aren't you Junie?" Jeonghan teases. Joshua just rolls his eyes and looks aside, his heart aching badly and the urge to cough crawling it's way up his throat like mice who wants to get out of trap. "Okay okay now quite it ya'all we have to start shooting, we gonna go for rock climbing right?" Joshua nods at Jun's question. "So let's go." Jun screams like a five year old making three eldest members of group laugh.

JIHAN ONE-SHOTS (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now