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Joshua sighs and looks out of the window, The clouds were taking up the space in Sky freely as if it was rent free for them. The gray hue and the chilly breeze made him shiver. Even though he was nowhere nearly expose to it. Joshua knew it would rain, and it sucked, because he didn't brought his Umbrella with him. He left it in hurry this morning and didn't got a chance to buy a new one and reason because he was getting late for his work. Got scolded when reached the office late, Had to work hour extra. And now it'll rain and he doesn't have an umbrella. Goshh this day was full of bad events, but Joshua was thankful for one thing, the moment he was living in right now.

The feel of hot coffee burning inside the cup and making contact with the skin of his palm through the material made gus heart warm. The soothing feeling was relaxing his disturbed mind, and his tired body. The bittersweet aroma of coffee beans, caramel, pastries were spreaded all over the cafe and Joshua couldn't think of a more perfect evening than this. It was his favorite cafe "Magic Shop" runned by a music producer Min Yoongi, who was assisted by a few college students, working as a part timers. Joshua calls this cafe his Safe Haven. It's like his worries and tiredness all goes away as soon as he enters the cafe. As if this cafe really was a magic shop.

"Uh excuse me!" Joshua comes out his trance at the call, he looks upwards and sees a Man, A really prettily Handsome man, standing-no towering the table he was seated on. "Yes?"
Joshua crooks out. He felt so much ugly Infront of the man. If you ask Joshua who is the most handsome or Beautiful person in his opinion, his answer always would've been himself. But right now with this stranger standing infront of him, he knows that he noway near being handsome or Beautiful. This is Gorgeous, Pretty, Fascinating all in all He is Ethereal, An Angel. "Umm, if you don't mind can I sit here? Actually, there are no more seats left." Angelic man says and Joshua immediately nods his head. "Uh yeah sure."
Stranger smiles widely and sits opposite to Joshua.

"You're new here?" Joshua asks. "Uh, kind of. Used to live here then moved out in different area after high school. Wbu?" Stranger says. Did Joshua mentioned how nice stranger's voice sounded? The huskiness dipped in powder of slightly high pitchness. It sounded so nice to Joshua's ears, Like a song which you listen in lonely nights. It sounded Like snow drops on first snowfall of winters, Like falling of leaves in autumn, blooming of flowers in spring, And Moring breakfast of summer with Cold coffee at side. It sounded so heavenly to ears.
"Oh I moved here from L.A after my high school." Stranger nods.

"I'm an idiot." He chuckles, making Joshua feel thousands of emotions at same time. "Why?" Joshua questions.
"I am talking to you about your moving and all and I didn't asked your name."
Joshua chuckles. "I'm Joshua hong. You?" Joshua says. "Yoon Jeonghan." Jeonghan offers his hand, and Joshua puts his own in his. Joshua felt it, the spark of first touch inside his veins, the softness of their palms interwined together..this feeling was beautiful.
"So, What do you do?" Joshua asks. "Oh well I am a business man, I just bought an industry. So will be going there tomorrow." Jeonghan says.

They kept on talking and talking, Joshua completely forgot he has a home and a mother waiting for him. Joshua felt it, the vibes Jeonghan was giving. It was exactly like this Shop, this cafe. So calm, so warm. Something about Jeonghan warmed Joshua inside..The theme of Cafe-which was Vintage by the way, the Smell of coffee, the bittersweet aroma all screamed Jeonghan, Jeonghan and jeonghan. There was something about him that Joshua couldn't pin point. But whatever it was, it was so much beautiful..

"You didn't went?" Joshua looks beside him and sees Jeonghan, who just paid his bill and now was standing beside Infront of shop, ready to go home. "Well I don't think I would be able to go home till rain stops. I forgot to bring my umbrella." Joshua says as he stares at the rain, the way they fell on every part of earth, and the smell they brought with them twisted Joshua's inside. They also reminded him of Jeonghan, so mysterious, so dangerous, so cold, yet so calm, so safe and so warm. "If you don't mind I can walk you home. I have my umbrella." Jeonghan says. Joshua smiles at that. This means more time with him.
Now Joshua was thankful that he didn't brought his Umbrella today. "Sure." Joshua nodded and they started to walk after Jeonghan opened his Umbrella.

JIHAN ONE-SHOTS (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now