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Someone's Point of View....

Home, what is Home? I've asked this question many times but I never got the answer, maybe because I never had one. Some people say that home is where our house is, some say home is where we feel safe, some says home is where we are at peace and feel understood. Some says home is a place where you feel comfort. Why does home has to be a house? Can't it be a person or Thing? And what do we call a place where we get all of these things? I never got the answer to this question. And I felt like I would never get. Until that day.
This all started 5 years ago....

I walked down the garden in orphanage I had been living for 18 years now, I'm 18 years old boy Name's Chan, I don't know my last name because I never got the chance to meet my parents, well that explains why I am in orphanage. Today's my birthday according to the paper authorities of orphanage got when I was picked up from the front door. I still sometimes stare at it and think that only if my parents hadn't left me there would my life had been any different from this? Would they loved me if they choose to kept me? Would I had friends which I never really got? Why Ami even thinking about it? Of course they wouldn't loved me if they did they wouldn't have thrown me here at first place.

I'm 18 years old and in my 18 years of life I only had one friend, otherwise I'm an outcast, children my age here doesn't likes to talk me, now that I think there's no one my age here, they all got adopted except me. And that's how every children started to stay away from me thinking that I am weird and a loser. It sting at first but now I can't feel anything. No pain, no hurt or sadness, maybe I am lying about it but it is my coping mechanism. If I don't tell myself this I won't be able to survive a single second. I don't know what happiness feels like, the only happy moments I had were when Vernon was here, my friend, he was-no Is the only one friend I ever had, Vernon is only one who never thought bad about me or judged me , even when I came out to him....I still vaguely remembers that day...

They both were sitting on swing in playground of orphanage, when chan decided to come out to his friend, he looks beside him and sees Vernon eating his chips, "hey Nonie!" Vernon looks at him at that, "yeah?" Chan scratches his nose nervously, "I-i like guys."
"Me too." Vernon says and offers him his lays, chan smiles widely and takes a chip from it. He felt happy and light, like a big weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

Chan smiles at memory, Vernon got adopted when he was 10, they both parted ways then, tho Vernon still sometimes texts him or even comes to meet him on weekends, chan is so much thankful to him. Chan sighs, he is worried, why? Because now he has turned 18 so he have to leave orphanage before tomorrow morning, he is worried about where he would go, sure he has Graduated his high school and yeah he does have a part time job, but he doesn't have a place to stay and his job doesn't pays enough to rent a one bedroom apartment. Tho he has decided that he would apply for college and if he passed scholarship exam he could stay in dorm room. "Yeah that's a good plan." Chan mutters under his breath. He turns around when he feels a tap on his shoulder.

"Uh?" He stares confusedly at the beautiful man Infront of him. "Hi! I'm Joshua Yoon." Joshua says and offers his hand to newly turned 18 year old. "Hi do I know you? 9 don't think so I do." Chan states. "Well you don't but from now on you will, I and my husband are adopting you." At the statement chan felt his body going numb, the emotions he felt after hearing this sentence made a hope bloom inside his chest, he didn't know what he was feeling, he was content, at peace.

JIHAN ONE-SHOTS (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now