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Jeonghan stirs in his comfortable leather swirl chair, reaching his hand on the table to grab the coffee cup, he picks it up and takes it near his lips. Taking a sip he sighs in content. Working for straight 5 hours and then having a cold coffee in hot summer day was like a heaven to him. Okay maybe good feeling and not heaven because his heaven is at home.He gets startled when someone brags inside his office room. "Goshh Cheol you scared the shit outta me." Jeonghan says dramatically keeping his hand on his own heart, making Seungcheol roll his eyes.

"What are you still doing here?" Seungcheol asks looking at Jeonghan with perfect judgy gaze. "What do you mean by what I am doing here? It's my office I am supposed to be here."
Jeonghan frowns his brows, and Seungcheol face palms himself. "Why do I even try with you? Idiot! you have family dinner. Your mom has been calling me for past 1 hour because of you being not at home yet. I had to travel for half hour just to get you." Seungcheol says and Jeonghan wides his eyes. He completely forgot he had a family dinner today. He immediately gets up and gathers his things.
"Why didn't you told me before?" He complains making Seungcheol feel wronged.

They both hurriedly make their way to car and Set off for Jeonghan's house. After half an hour they reached there. Jeonghan comes out and he takes a deep breath before walking inside. As soon as his eyes meets his mother's only one thing comes into his mind. 'i'm so dead' jeonghan gulps and greets everyone.
"Good evening everyone. Sorry for being late. Was stuck in work." He forcefully smiles, seeing his uncles and aunts. He feels his shoulders relaxing when soft hands comes in contact with his back, taking his coat off him.

He turns around and smiles. "Good evening." Jeonghan again greets and male Infront of him smiles his ever so beautiful noryong smile. Eyes disappearing, making Jeonghan's heart beat fast. "Good evening master." Male greets and takes Jeonghan's bag too. "Please go and freshen up, I've readied all things needed." Jeonghan looks fondly at the male and nods. "Thanks Shuji." Joshua shakes his head and goes on his way. Jeonghan makes his way to his room. He discards his shirt and hears footsteps reaching him. Turning around he sees his mom looking at him. "H-Hi mom. Looking beautiful." He says nervously, trying to coax her by compliments.

"Why are you late?" She asks, seriously. Jeonghan tilts his head, his nervous eyes searching for the face who can ease his racing heart in every situation. Meeting eyes with Joshua, he takes a deep breath. Gaining a sudden and odd confidence. "Actually I had a meeting. Hehehe." His mother raises an eyebrow. "Okay I forgot." He admits knowing there's no way he can lie to her. "You know it's third time this month you forgot about family dinner." She scolds him. "Well it's not my fault that you keep on arranging family dinner this month. Why are you even doing this?" Jeonghan questions and proceeds with changing his clothes. Of course only shirt not pants.

"You know it better Jeonghan." She says and Jeonghan sighs, he turns towards her and throws his shirt on bed which was in his hand, annoyingly. "And I told you thousands of times that I don't wanna marry any of your niece, nephew or your friend's daughter or son." Jeonghan says, his voice held seriousness and his expression was irritated. "And for whom? That maid boy. Who has nothing. He is just living off from you Jeonghan try to understand this. He doesn't loves you he loves your money." His mother says and Jeonghan gets more angry. His eyes cast behind her and sadness in Joshua's eyes clenches his heart.
"Don't you dare say anything about him mom. I love him, he loves me. And that's it."

"This is not the end of conversation Yoon Jeonghan." She screams at him as Jeonghan enters his bathroom. "You think you both can live happily in this world. No one is gonna accept you and your love. You're both boys and he is your maid. You're not fated to be together." She spats cruelly and Joshua cries at this. Jeonghan comes out of bathroom. His face blank. "If I had to rewrite the stars to be with Shua I would. Because I choose him to be my Destiny. And world can't decide that for us." Jeonghan says and makes his way to Joshua. He interwines his hand and kisses Joshua's palms's back. "I love him mom..and he loves me. For once please try to be happy for me other than thanking about your reputation and people." His mother only looks down in shame.

She just realizes that how much she was giving world importance rather than her son's wish.
"Sorry." She says and walks off from the room. Joshua looks at her and then at Jeonghan.
"Hannie." He says, eyes filled with water. "Hey baby don't cry hmm? No one's gonna take you away from me."
"But I'm just a maid." Joshua replies. "It doesn't matters. What matters is that I love you and you love me. Nothing else." Jeonghan says and hugs Joshua close to him. Who closes his eyes in content.

When Jeonghan was referring to heaven before, he meant this. Having Joshua in his arms, Knowing that he belongs to him is heaven for jeonghan. And Jeonghan never gonna let anyone take his heaven. Even if he has to rewrite the stars.


Here this is new one-shot for ya'all.
Tho it ain't that cool, but I really wanted to write one with this concept.

I hope you liked it..

Have a nice day Everyone
Don't forget to leave your thoughts...

Bye bye~


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