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"I love you Joshuji" joshua giggles at the sudden confession.
"I love you too Hannie. Now look ahead, we're driving on highway." Joshua says smiling sweetly, shoving Jeonghan's face off his own t make him look ahead. It was night time and they both were going back to Seoul from Jeonghan's home town, after staying there for a week. Tomorrow Joshua has to leave for L.A too.
"No I wanna look at you." Jeonghan whines stubbornly, teasing Joshua. Joshua again giggles at Jeonghan's pouty face. "You're idiot Hannie."
"Yes you're idiot." Jeonghan immediately replies. This time Joshua laughs out loud at that. His eyes aromatically looks ahead and widen at sight.

A truck was coming their way and how it was swaying left and right it was obvious that the driver was drunk. "HANNIE WATCH OUT."
Joshua screams, Jeonghan moves the steering wheel to the side to avoid any type of accident.

After that all he could see was blurry images of people, Sirens beeping in background became faded to his ears and soon he lost his consciousness....

Ring ring ring...

Ringing of phone's ringtone settles inside Jeonghan's head, making it throb from their loudness, he curses and sits up to check whoever is calling him this early but seeing the caller id his frown fades away and lips curled into smile.

Pick up the call

Jeonghan picks up the call and holds the phone near his ear.

"Good morning Joshuji." -jeonghan

"Good morning Hannie. Did I disturbed your sleep?" -joshua

"No you didn't not at all." -jeonghan

"But it seems like you were sleeping. Hannie can I ask you something." Joshua asks after a minute of silence...their calls always were like this, they didn't said anything that much, just listened to each other's breath and found peace in it. It was enough for them. After all they could understand each other's emotions without being said.

"Of course you can." -jeonghan

"You're alright right? I just had this weird feeling like you were in pain." -joshua

"I'm alright Joshuji" jeonghan sighs, Joshua waits patiently, "I just had that dream again, we were sitting in car, driving back home from my home town when we had an accident. Sometimes it feels just so real, not like a dream." Joshua hears a fear in Jeonghan's voice and his heart aches at that.

"Nothing will happen like that hmm? It's just a dream love." Joshua reassures him, maybe himself too.

Soon the call ended with them sharing today's things they're planning to do. Jeonghan has this feeling whenever he ends call with Joshua he always feel cold, he feels like Joshua is so away from him, yet so close. Well it's true in a sense as Jeonghan is in Berlin for a fashion week. As a seventeen member. And a special guest. It's been a week he came away from his home country, from his home, his Joshua. It's been a week since he held Joshua in his arms yet he feels like it's been years. Without Joshua, everything seems so pointless and cold. So blue and grey.

Jeonghan gets ready for the day, tomorrow he's going back and finally he will have the warmth of his love. He decided to roam around and buy gifts for all members, he knows they're gonna whine if he didn't get them anything. Getting ready he comes out of his hotel room and finds his bodyguard already there. They both makes their way to elevator and go down, leaving for mall. Jeonghan roams around mall, buying gifts for every member. He was getting tired and he still couldn't find anything for Joshua. When his eyes land on a small and antique jewelry shop. He goes inside it and sees many old yet elegant things there. He roams his eyes around all the pieces, touching them, smelling their alluring scent. Jeonghan oddly found peace over here.

JIHAN ONE-SHOTS (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now