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Since childhood Joshua has always been fond of love stories. He loved to read different novels and loved to imagine himself in the place of female or male lead. The men in novels always caught his attention. The way they cared and loved their leads. The way they are so gentle and sweet to them. Like any other boy or girl his age he also wanted a perfect and his ideal type life partner. But he never dreamed to get married to the person who isn't even near his ideal type.

Joshua's ideal type is what they say a Dream man, Prince charming and all. His ideal type is gentle, sweet, caring, loving, respectful and totally good boy with good aura. But he didn't expected his only one to be the total opposite of his ideal type.

Both of theirs first meet was like some movie. Joshua was turning around after taking his iced Americano to start his new day just as he turned around his coffee spilled on the guy behind his back. "What the Fuck?" Joshua winces at the choice of words of the man.....
Tho Joshua was Awestruck by his features but the use of his language changed his impression. "I'm sorry." Joshua apologizes.
"The hell with your sorry. Are you blind can't you see where you're going?" The man says, arrogance dripping from his voice. Joshua was shocked. "What? Listen here I admit that It was my fault that your shirt got wet but you don't have to be so rude. I said sorry already."
Joshua says as usual calmly, he wasn't the one to lose his patience like the one standing Infront of him.

"As if your sorry is going to clean my expensive shirt. Which I can bet costs more than your month's salary." Okay now Joshua was slowly losing his calm. He didn't even know him yet he is criticising him. Typical rich people. "Listen here I know I did wrong but it was not intentional at all and I already said sorry it's just your arrogant ass who is too much arrogant to know their own fault. Who told you to stand so close huh?" Joshua spourted and left from their not even looking at stranger for a single second. He was angry so much.

Their next meet was not less dramatic. Joshua was walking down the street when he heard shouts and some people running. He was shocked when someone dragged him and hid behind him in alley. Soon two more guys came there looking for someone. Who was perfectly hidden behind a dumpster in alley Joshua was standing right now. "Hey have you seen a guy this tall." One of them gestures, "and he had blonde long hairs." Joshua just shook his head telling them he didn't knows who they were talking about. And obviously he didn't know he didn't even saw the person's face who dragged him in first place. The men nodded and went away from their. Soon after the other followed suite and came out from dumpster.

"you?" Joshua yelled. Other also had same expression. "Oh so now Mr. arrogant have enemies too wow. What a news." He says sarcastically. Joshua usually wasn't the one to be all sarcastic and angry but he doesn't know why seeing this man he gets angry automatically. Stranger doesn't says anything but stares at his face in amusement. "Hah we knew you were here." Joshua's musement got interrupted by two bulky men he encountered before. "And you pretty boy. You didn't did good by hiding him and now you have to pay the price too." One of the man says coming closer to Joshua when the stranger comes Infront of him. Hiding Joshua behind himself.

Okay why the Fuck was he dragged in here. He wanted to be at home and read a new novel he just brought yesterday and here he is involved between the fight of two people he didn't even knows. After that all he knew was punches being thrown and blood oozing out from the bulky men who had Walked in a few moments ago. 'If he is that strong why the hell he hide in first place?' Joshua thought to himself. He won't admit it out loud but he was a bit impressed.

Their third and final meet was more than just a coincidence and that day Joshua knew it was more than what just meets the eye. Joshua walked into restaurant his parents gave him address of. He was a bit excited why? Because his parents told him that he was going to meet his future hubby. To say he was happy would be an understatement, he was more than just happy. Thousands of butterflies were roaming inside his tummy, his heart was beating fast and his cheeks were flushed but when the face of person came in his line of view he was shocked, beyond that.
His mouth was agape and his eyes were wide. He was speechless, the person he wanted to avoid every second of his life was here sitting infront of him being introduced as his future husband.....

That time Joshua didn't knew that the person he didn't liked a one bit was going to be his everything in less than a few days. Jeonghan was opposite total opposite of Joshua's ideal type. Joshua would admit it that till now. When they're married for five years with two cute little beans. Yoon Soonyoung and Yoon Jihoon..... But Jeonghan became everything Joshua never knew he needed. Jeonghan wasn't a typical type of boyfriend or husband every girl dreamet about, he wasn't the type of Guy who would sacrifice you for world. He wasn't too soft spoken, he wasn't too much of a good boy. He was total opposite.

And that was thing Joshua came to love in just a few weeks. Jeonghan was mischievous, he was a vulgar language user, he was more type of a person who would sacrifice world for you. And maybe that was the thing Joshua was ever looking for. When Joshua first talked to him without fighting that day he realized that he was the one Joshua was looking for. He came to realize that sometimes the people we want are total different from we need and maybe Joshua needed someone like Jeonghan...Someone who would love him from his all. Someone who would be so possessive and protective of him. Someone who would destroy universe just to see him smiling and maybe Joshua too wanted to be that someone to Jeonghan.

Maybe they were destinied to be each other's. But who knew that an interaction which was started by a fight would bloom into something so beautiful and nice. That they won't be able to let go of each other for the rest of their lives. Joshua loves Jeonghan even though he wasn't his ideal type....


Heloooooo everyoneeeeee

I hope you all like this one...i do so....

Random question:
What's your ideal type?

Mine is mixture of Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Suga's personality....
Tho Wonwoo alone would do good. He's total my type...

What about ya'all?

Lastly, may you be happy and have a good day and you all...

Don't forget to leave comments...

Bye bye~


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