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The world has three species: werewolves which are polymaths good at everything.
Humans aren't as fit as the werewolves but can be as smart. Humans barely do sports because their anatomy isn't built to be as fit as werewolves are.
Vampires are only good at sports but lack a bit of intelligence. Some rare Vampires have intelligence.
There are cross breeds but they are excepted into communities.

The only time the species is important is for government identification.
The world knows of their existence because they live normally without the worry of scientists wanting to experiment on them.

A little information on how love is in each community:
Vampires have prints, which is a tattoo that only they and their soulmate will have the same design of the tattoo but the print will only appear on both bodies once they have met each other. Once a Vampire has met their soul mate, they can't be disloyal or else they will feel worse pain than being stabbed throw the chest with a stack to the heart. It's the pain of dying over again until their body gives up.
Werewolves have mates, when they meet each other, they will know but they can not sleep, flirt or kiss etc anyone else but their mate otherwise they go into a sharp pain like fire in their veins. In werewolf mythology: It was said the Moon Goddess had made it so mates can't be disloyal or cheat on their partner.
Humans can do whatever they want to with other humans, they have nothing holding them back. However, they don't have anything like a print or mate bond to know if the person is their soul mate.

*Please not the season will follow the Southern Hemisphere*

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