Chapter 6: Ella

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"So, I was wondering," a person pops by my side. Their body is definitely taller and leaner than mine. It is like they can cover my body with half of theirs.

I turn to see Chase by my side. I came to school a little early to talk about my subject choices and if they can switch my choice 2 to be my choice three. So, in other words, history which is my choice two will be my choice three and my choice three which is business will be my choice two.

"You were wondering, what exactly?" I look at him with my eyes a little squinted and my one eyebrow raised.

"What if you were in my history choice?" he questions, we pass my allocated locker by the school.

"If you are choice three history, I think we were thinking of the same thing," I honestly speak my mind.

"No, really?" he looks at me surprise, he stops as he grabs my arm to make me turn my attention from in front of us to him. I nod to him, sending him a genuine smile.

"Wow, we have like the same brain waves," he says looking amaze before he starts walking, "Are you going to the office?"

"Yep, you?" I question as we take a turn left to another hallway.

"I can walk you to the office," he says as we walk pass a few people giving us stares.

"Wait, can I put my bag by register?" I question. I put my bag by B14 and look back at Chase.

"I thought you were with Mr de Kock?" he says, his eyes scrunch up and his tilts his head a little, his hair which is comes just above his eye's and it tilts with his head.

"They moved me to be with Mrs Day," I answer him, his head tilts a little more and a stand of hair falls over his eyes. I move the strand out of his eyes.

"Isn't it considered bad if your hair goes into your eyes?" I question looking up at him. He licks his lips before, he nods his head, I carry on informing him about why I moved classes, "Also my brother complained about having to see me at home and now in school, so they transferred me to her class for register," I answer his unasked question.

"Yeah, they say you can go blind," he answers before nodding at me. He slowly licks the top part of his lip before looking at me, "Isn't that saying from-"

He starts saying but my brothers annoying voice interrupts him, "Are you seriously going to flirt in the hallway in front of me?"

"Sorry about him," I say removing my phone from my pocket and walking towards the Office. I expected my brother and Chase to talk, so I carry on with what I'm suppose to be doing.

"Ella, wait up," Chase says catching up to me.

"Sure," I say, he starts slowly chewing his lips.

"I was wondering if-" Chase starts speaking but he gets cut off by a deep voice.

"Hey," Theo greets him, he turns to look at me as he shakes Chase's hand. He nods to me in acknowledging my presence.

I nod back to him before he changes his attention from me to Chase.

"Can we talk?" he questions. Chase turns his attention from Theo towards me, and back to Theo.

"Ella, can you give me a minute to talk to Theo?" he questions, making no eye contact with me but rather looking at Theo.

"Sure," I say, as I walk past them and take my phone out to see any new text. I walk slowly towards Mrs Day's class. I stop walking when I get to the fork in the road. I do not want to seem disrespectful to have heard Chase by not have listened or obeyed his wishes.

"Thanks for waiting," Chase says as he gently pulls my left arm to the left side of the fork to go to Mrs Days class.

"No problem," I answer as we make our way towards our register class. I want to ask him what they were talking about, but it is none of my business.

"How's the tone been so far?" Chase asks, as we walk up the stairs.

"It's definitely not the city," I say, with a smile on my face and a little laugh from my throat.

"What do you miss most about the city?" Chase questions as a few people walk passed us.

"To be honest, I love this town, the architecture, the people, the vibe, the sea..." I pause for a second.

"But..." Chase says.

"It reminds me of my dad and when I think of him..." I go quite , trying to blink the tears away.

Chase engulfs me into his arms, reading me like an open book. Warm strands of water leaves my eyes, going down my cheek.

"The pain won't get better until you let him go," Chase says, in my ear.

"I-I- I ca-can't," I say, moving away from him. I take my soft palms and roughly wipe the tears away.

After a few moments of recollecting myself, I inform Chase, "We should get going, I do not want to give the teachers bad impressions of myself."

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