Chapter 22: Ella

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I look up from the book I am reading, to see Theo pouting at the book in his hands. I had been distracted by the world in my hands. I look back at my book. I should start going home, to start my assignments and homework. I put the receipt I had from getting the book on the page where I stopped- using a receipt as a bookmark. I put the book in my bag rested against the couch I am sitting on.

I take my phone from the beside me and put my bag on my shoulders.

"Wait, are you leaving?" A voice from behind me says as I start walking.

I turn around and look to see Theo, looking at me. I nod my head.

"Can I walk you out?" he questions. Is he asking to walk me out? Is he playing a game? He was mean to me last week; he apologized through text and now he is asking to walk me out. What is going on? Is he being kind to me?

I nod my head shakingly. He has never been nice to me since the first day, what is going on?

Theo leaves the book the was reading on the table in front of the couch.

We walk out of the library and towards the exit of the school. We walk in silence, a bit of awkward silence.

"I was wondering if you are free this week Saturday?" Theo breaks the silence between us.

"I don't know," I answer him, looking down at my feet as we walk.

"Are you into astrology?" Theo questions, he seems nervous.

"Not really but I am into the moon cycles," father would talk to us about the moon cycles. Whether I found it interesting or not, I would listen to father speak about it. I slow my walking past, "Why?"

"There is a full moon on Saturday, and I was wondering if you wanted to come to the full moon celebration, my parents are hosting," he rubs the back of his neck with his left hand.

"Can I have about forty-eight hours to decide?" I question, I will ask Chase, Dylan, and Emma what they think before I ask my mom permission if I am allowed to go.

"Sure," he says, he grabs his bag as we pass Mr. Woods English class.

"Thanks," I slightly smile at him, "I appreciate having time to think about it."

Why am I being so awkward?

I look at his arms. Have his hands always been this toned or is he flexing his arm? Has Theo always been built? How have I not noticed his muscles.

"If you want, you can always text me your answer anytime of the day," Theo politely says but he looks like he wants to face-palm himself after he spoke.

"Sure, I already have your number," I inform him, sending him a genuine smile. 

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