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Warnings: swearing, talk of abuse


4:23 am

The 20-David squad all got in for work less than half an hour ago and some of them were still tired and each for different reason

Luca couldn't sleep cause Duke kept wanting to play and wouldn't go to bed

Deacon was up with Victoria all night

Hondos house was too hot and he couldn't get comfortable

And Street... Well he says it was cause Duke and Luca were making a bunch of noise but that's a lie

In reality he skips sleep for days at a time in order to keep from having nightmares

What are they about??

A number of things really

The most common ones about his dead father, who abused him until he was 12

Next most likely nightmare for him is his mother, who's in prison, killing him instead of his father

The rest are usually about his team, his family getting hurt or killed on the job

Luca knows about his nightmares but Street refuses to let his best friend help

So here we are

At 4:23 in the morning with over half of the team running on very little sleep and Street running on no sleep for the last 3 days in a row

"Hey Street!" Hondo yelled across the small locker room "you okay man?" He asked a little quieter "you look like you haven't slept in 2 days"

"HA!" Luca laughed "try 3 days and only 4 hours of sleep before that- OW"

Street smacked Luca upside the head before he could say anything else

"I'm fine" Street answered, knowing full well the team was all staring at him with concerned looks by now

He shut his locker and left

"Okay, Luca, spill" Tan said as soon as they knew Street was out of hearing distance "how much sleep has he gotten this week?"

Luca had to genuinely think about it, which concerned the team even more

"I'd say 7 hours, give or take" he answered after a long 2 minutes "he'd kill me if I told you why though"

Hondo raised his eyebrow

"He told you why?" Deacon spoke up

Luca nodded

"But he made me swear not to tell anyone and I can't betray the trust he has in me" Luca said

And they knew he was right

Street didn't trust anyone with personal stuff that easily so him even telling one of them counted as a win for all of them

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