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Warnings: swearing??


There will be times to question things Street does and times where you just move on cause it doesn't affect anyone

Like this thing he does when he's bored, tired, needs a little comfort because of a particularly overwhelming or triggering case, etc

It has been a long shift

Some new officer said the Q word and now it has been a raid or a rescue or an arrest every five minutes

They had just finished their 7th arrest in their 12 hour shift -it's only been about 6 hours since it started- and they are now just standing near black Betty while Hondo talks to someone else about what happened, who it was, what they did, etc

Chris was leaning against the side of their vehicle while Tan and Deacon were sitting on the back of it and Luca and Street were a little off to the side

It was taking a little longer than usual and they were all kind tired, not being able to sit for 10 minutes at a time

After they had been standing there for about 7 minutes, Street leaned his head down on Lucas shoulder

Luca and the rest of the team were used to this happening, sometimes it was Lucas shoulder, sometimes it was Hondos, it all depended who was closer

When they noticed it happening, Luca and Hondo just subconsciously started standing closer to him as they figured this was another boredom-comfort thing he did

Other people though

Other people reacted

As one of the other officers from LAPD walked by, he gave Luca and Street a weird look that just said 'what the fuck is this idiot doing?'

Chris and Tan glared in response while Deacon just didn't react

Luca had to fight off the temptation to flip him off

"Keep walkin" he said instead

The officer rolled his eyes but walked past without a word

Hondo finally walked back over

"We're good" he said, hopping in the truck

Street looked up

"Finally" he muttered, also climbing in


I know this is short and makes very little sense but I wanted to post something tonight and the other chapters I'm working on are gonna be really long lol

Hope you enjoyed

-AJ out!

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