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TW: swearing, people being assholes -including Chris for a bit-

Text names

Luca: Big bro🧡

Tan: best friend❤

Hondo: Boss man

Street was chilling in his room when Luca walked in

"Hey man" Street said, looking up from his phone

"Hey dude" Luca responded "what are you doing?"

"Nothing at the moment" Street answered "but I was gonna start working on some new bracelet ideas I have soon"

Luca tilted his head in confusion

"Bracelet ideas?" He asked

Streets eyes widened a smidge

"Nothing- never mind" he said quickly "what did you need?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit but now I'm curious" Luca said "bracelet ideas?"

Street dropped his head with a sigh

"It's nothing... Just a hobby" Street mumbled "I started making random bracelets when when I needed something to do and I just kept doing it, I just didn't bother to tell anyone cause I was always told it was stupid or childish"

Luca stayed silent a moment

"What kind of bracelets?" He asked

"Just like... Beads and string" Street shrugged "I don't have the patience to learn anything else"

Luca nodded

"Can I see some of them?"

Streets eyes shot up to look at Luca

"Why?" Street asked as he got up and walked over to a random table in his room

"I wanna see how cool they look" Luca said with a slight smile

"How do you have so much confidence that they look cool at all?" Street muttered "they're lame"

"The Street I know would never allow anything he makes to look lame" Luca replied as Street grabbed a small box that was hidden in a drawer "besides, how would I know if they aren't cool if you don't show me what they look like?"

Street and Luca sat down on the bed as Street opened the box and dumped out about 32 bracelets, most of which had red or blue beads, some had purple, only a few had green

"That's honestly less than I was expecting" Luca said as he picked up a few of them that caught his eye

"Well kids suck" was all Street said before sorting them by color

Luca looked at all the bracelets, one in particular caught his eye though

He picked it up

It was mostly blue but it had red mixed in along with the word SWAT right in the center

"Do you still make bracelets?" Luca asked, completely forgetting what was said earlier

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