pat pat

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Warnings: swearing, minor talk of child neglect


Street was confused

Anytime he did anything that even slightly helped anyone, whether it be his team or random people, Hondo always gave him a Pat pat

Basically a pat pat is just when Hondo pats his back, his shoulder, or his head

Normally it's his head

At first it was a teasing thing just to annoy him but then he kept doing it after Street stopped trying to bat his hand away

Street thought that if he stopped reacting, Hondo would stop

It's not that Street doesn't like it, he likes it a lot actually -though he'd never admit that- it's just confusing

But he doesn't wanna say anything in fear of Hondo being mad or stopping

He doesn't get it

So here he was at

8:49 pm

Trying to figure out why he felt this way about the pat pats

He's currently sitting in the kitchen in the SWAT base

He was completely zoned out so he didn't notice when anyone walked in or out

Hondo walked in, intending to get something to eat and saw Street sitting at the table, staring at nothing

Hondo walked in from of him to test just how zoned out he was

Street didn't react

"Hm" Hondo hummed to himself

He grabbed something out of the fridge and set it on the counter

He heard Streets stomach growl and looked over and saw Street still lost in the void

"Hey kid" he tried

No response

"Street!" He tried again

No answer

Finally he walked over and tapped Streets shoulder, effectively getting his attention

"Hm?" He looked up "sorry, what's up?"

"I was gonna ask if you wanted something to eat" Hondo said

"Oh uh.. Yeah sure" Street answered

Hondo nodded then walked back over to the counter to continue what he was doing

"You seemed pretty zoned out for a minute, what are you think about?" Hondo asked, glancing over

"Nothing important" Street shrugged

"Really?" He raised am eyebrow "I called your name twice and normally when you aren't thinking about anything important, that'll snap you back to reality"

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