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Warnings:swearing, talk of death and murder, implied suicide attempt

Text names:

Luca: Big Bro🧡

Chris: Big Sis<3

Deacon: Father Deacon

Tan: Best Friend❤

Hondo: boss man

The team was at Deacons for a barbecue

Hondo was talking to Deacon by the back door

Chris was playing with the kids

Street, Luca and Tan were playing go fish

"Hey street, got any sevens?" Luca asked

"Go fish bitch" Street replied with a smirk

Luca rolled his eyes but smiled as he grabbed another card

Street was about to speak when his phone rang

He furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled his phone out of his pocket

'Everyone I talk to is here, right??' He thought

He looked at his phone and internally groaned when he recognized the number


'It's my mom'

He rolled his eyes as he stood up

"Be right back" he mumbled before walking to a spot in the yard where nobody was standing

He answered the phone

"Yeah?" He said, not even trying to sound polite

"Jimmy?" He heard his moms voice

"Hey mom" he said flatly "why'd you call?"

He glanced at his friends as he realized everyone stopped talking as soon as he said 'mom' and was now watching him

"Can't I just check on my son?" She asked with a fake innocence in her voice

"You can" he said "but you don't"

He heard his mom stutter on the other end

"What do you want mom?" He asked a little louder this time "I'm trying to hang out with my team- family"

The others glanced at each other with small smiles when he corrected 'team' to 'family'

He always said team before and never anything else

"Fine" she finally said "I need somewhere to stay"

Street sighed loudly

"What the hell happened this time?" He asked quietly but annoyed

"The owner of the apartment kicked me out for.... " she trailed off

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