
420 11 9

Warnings: swearing


Luca and Street were sitting at home, bored out of their minds and scrolling through Instagram

At some point, Luca decided that the silence was annoying and decided to make some conversation with the most random question he could think of

"Hey Street" he said "what's your favorite animal?"

Street looked over at him

"What?" He asked with a slight chuckle

"What's your favorite animal?" Luca repeated "come on man, I'm serious"

"Oh.. Um.. Probably frogs" Street answered after thinking for a moment

"Why?" Luca asked

"I don't know.. They just... Boing" Street struggles to explain

Luca laughed at that


"Yeah dude" Street nodded "no thoughts, just boing"

"I think that's the most childish thing that's ever come out of your mouth" Luca teased

"Well I guess it isn't all just going, they do probably have to stop and think 'oh shit, a car' once in awhile" Street continued

"And you made it a little darker, that's the Street I know" Luca said to himself

"Oh and ribbit, they boing and ribbit but that's about it" Street finished

"What nice lives they live" Luca joked

"Is there a reason you asked me or are you just as bored as I am?" Street asked

"Oh, I'm just bored" Luca answered

"Let's go for a walk or something" Street suggested "obviously, we can take Duke"

Luca nodded and got up

"Where is Duke?" Luca wondered out loud

"Last I saw, he was on your bed" Street said as he got up as well

Luca nodded and went to his room to get Duke

When he came out, Street was standing near the door and doing something on his phone

"Good to go?" Luca asked him

Street looked up and pocketed his phone

"Yup" he answered with a smile

While on their walk, they had 3 frog encounters


When they had just gotten outside, Street noticed a frog in the middle of the street

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