you good?

452 9 0

Warnings: swearing


Luca just got back from the store

He went to get some dinner since he has yet to eat and he wasn't sure if Street has or not

When he walked into the door, he pet Duke on the head a little bit before looking towards the living room

He saw Street lying face down on the couch

"... You good?" He asked

Street shrugged

"Something wrong?" Luca asked more specifically

Street mumbled something that Luca couldn't quite catch

"What'd you say?" Luca asked him to repeat

Street sighed and leaned up a little

"I don't know if I need an extra large coffee, a hug, something to eat, or like two months of sleep" Street repeated before flopping back down

"Well I got dinner on the way home" Luca told him "I didn't know if you had eaten since breakfast since you've been busy all day so I just grabbed a few microwave things"

"I haven't" Street said loud enough for Luca to hear him "I also got jack shit for sleep last night"

"Well let's get some dinner then you can go to bed and we'll figure out if that's all it was in the morning" Luca suggested

"Yeah okay" Street agreed before getting off the couch and grabbing two of the four bags Luca was holding

"Anything go wrong today?" Luca asked him "I know you were doing stuff to your bike almost all day"

"Nothing bad happened and by that I mean, I didn't somehow hurt myself" Street told him while putting stuff in the fridge "but some dude tried stealing one of the part for my bike and I had to chase him three blocks"

"Really?" Luca asked "he in jail now?"

"Yeah, there was a patrol officer passing by when I tackled him so I explained and he took him in for me" Street said with a nod "had to take the damn part for evidence but it's easy to replace so I plan to stop and get that after work tomorrow"

"But that means your gonna have to ride with me though, doesn't it?" Luca asked with a smile, he liked driving with Street sometimes but didn't get to do that much outside of work

"Yeah, if that's cool?" Street looked up from the bag he was digging in

"Yeah of course"

"Cool, I can get someone else to drive me home or something if you have something to do"

"I don't have any plans after work tomorrow so I'm God to drive you both ways" Luca assured

Street nodded and they finished putting the stuff away

The next day

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