4 AM

369 8 0

Warnings: swearing


"What are you doing here?!" Tan exclaimed "it's four in the morning!"

"I am aware" Street said "I can't sleep, wanna get some tacos with me?"

Tan looked at him in disbelief

"What the... " he muttered "y'know what, sure"

Tan went back inside and to get dressed while Street stood on the porch and waited

Tan came back outside with his keys, knowing Street took his bike

"Let's go" Tan said, walking to his car

Street followed and got in the passenger seat

They got tacos and went to sit at a random park and just hung out all night

This became a normal thing

At least once a week, Street would go to Tan's house at 4am and they'd get some food and go drive to a random area and just walk around

Everyone knew about this, nobody questioned it too much

It was their thing

Their weird, 4am adventure

The end


For once, I don't have anything else to add lol

-AJ out

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