are you done?

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Warning: swearing


It's been a day

To say the least

Streets mom kept trying to call him, his bike refused to start, he almost got in a crash cause some douche ran a stop light, one of the suspect's they caught today decided to shove him down a flight of stairs, and on another arrest they went on, he caught a bullet in the vest

He just wants to go home now that the shift is over

Him and the team were walking out to the parking lot

They all went to their respective vehicles, saying bye for the day

Street was about to get in his car when a woman he didn't recognize ran up and stopped by the back of it

"Excuse me, are you Jim Street?" She asked

Street sighed silently before nodding

"Yeah, can I help you?" He asked her politely

"My name is Andrea Barr, I was wondering if I could ask you about something" she introduced herself

"That depends, what are you asking about?" He raised an eyebrow

"Can you give me your uncles number?" She asked "I wanted to get in contact with him so I could ask about your mother"

"First off, why do you wanna ask about my mom?" He started "second, asking my uncle would be the worst thing you could do, they despise each other"

"I just wanted to see what is was like for him to know that his own sister in law killed his brother" she explained "and I think he has a good reason to despise her"

"Well I'm not giving you his number, he wouldn't talk to you about it anyway" he told her "can I help with anything else?"

"Why wouldn't he talk to me?" She questioned

"Cause he doesn't fucking know you" he pointed out "now, is that all, are you fucking done, can I go home now?"

She looked startled by the slight snap in his voice

That's when Hondo, who had stayed behind upon seeing her walk up, came over to them

"Excuse me ma'am, I apologize behalf of Street, he's had a really long day" he started "but he's right, his uncle wouldn't talk to you, he doesn't even talk to Street"

She looked back and forth between them for a moment

"I'm sorry for snapping like that but I really don't want to be stuck in the middle of my uncle and someone else bothering him again" Street apologized

"Okay, I'm sorry" she said before walking away

Street sighed

"You okay kid?" Hondo asked "I know it's been a crappy day but you never usually snap like that"

"I'm fine Hondo" Street answered "I just wanna go home"

Hondo nodded

"Alright, I'm here if you need me though" he told Street

"Thanks" Street replied before finally getting in his car

Hondo walked back to his car

They went home after that

Part 2???


Sorry it's short

I'm still working on other ones but for right now, I hope you enjoyed

-AJ out!

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