i dont know how you do that

343 6 0

Warnings: swearing


Street and Hondo were just going for a walk around the city since they had the day off and everyone else was doing their own things

They were passing by a small coffee shop when some guy walked out, nearly crashing into them

"Excuse me, can you step aside?" Hondo asked with a very small glare

The man looked at him with a scared expression before nodding quickly and moving out of the way

Street and Hondo walked past him

They got almost a block down before Street spoke

"I don't know how you do that" he said

Hondo glanced at him

"Do what?"

"Make everything sound like a threat- that man looked like he was about to piss himself and all you did was ask him to step aside" Street explained "even when I actively try to sound threatening, nobody takes me seriously"

Hondo chuckled

"That's because you look and sound like the human personification of a warm hug"

Street stopped and looked at Hondo, who stopped as well

"I do not" he said

Hondo just raised an eyebrow and smirked a little before continuing to walk

Street quickly followed

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" He asked

"It's not a bad thing kid" Hondo told him "just... That you aren't super intimidating, it's good though, it makes kids trust you more"

Street scoffed lightly

"That sounds creepy" he said

"Only when you make it creepy" Hondo reminded "that's your mind, making it creepier than it needs to be"

The end


Again, sorry it's really short, I'm working on longer one shots

-AJ out

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