Chapter 2

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The case didn't take too long, the team found the killer and he is safely behind bars for the rest of his life. We arrived back at the BAU and Penelope was waiting for me when the elevator opened everyone exited and walked away when Emily turned to me "I just have some paperwork to do and we can grab a drink If you would like to?" I smiled nodding "I don't drink but I'd be happy to come with you" Penelope winked at me from behind Emily when she said "Did I hear drinks? I am so down" The rest of the team popped their heads out and agreed to drinks. Emily's smile faded a little but she agreed which I thought was strange did she just want to see me alone? I was brought out of my thoughts when Emily said "Give me half an hour and I am all yours" I nodded and as Emily walked away Penelope grabbed my hand and pulled me into her office sitting me down as she said "You can't tell me you don't see it now right? that was sooo obvious" I shrugged my shoulders saying "Not really, she's just being nice" Penelope laughed "Emily is the nicest person I know but she's never that nice to someone she's just met, you didn't see how sad she was to not have you to herself?" I thought about it "I did notice but just thought that was because she wanted to get to know me a bit better, like get to know who she is working with" Penelope replied "If you say so but trust me, Emily has a special look when she likes someone and she is doing it at you" I smiled "I guess we will have to just see what happens".

An hour later and we all walk into the bar grabbing a table when Emily came and whispered in my ear "What do you want to drink? Just a Coke or something" I stood up saying "It's ok, I can grab it" When Emily lightly pushed me to sit back down "You can get the next one" I nodded "ok fine, a bottle of Cocca cola if they have it please, I'm allergic to the syrup in pumped Cocca cola" Emily smiled and said "Well that's good to know, be right back" I smiled watching her sway her hips as she walked away unable to look away when Penelope sat in front of me "enjoying the view?" I hid my face in my hands, shaking my head starting to laugh as I looked up at her "Do you blame me?" Penelope looked around and said, "No not really, Emily is beautiful". The rest of the night went smoothly JJ, Penelope, Emily and Luke were dancing, and Tara and David were talking about the next book he was working on. I couldn't help but get lost watching Emily dance not giving a care in the world, She was the most beautiful woman in the world, Emily noticed me watching her, reached her hand out to me managing to pull me up to dance with her when the music changed to a slow song. Emily put her hands around my hips pulling me close to her as we swayed along to the music, my arms around her neck. I was so captivated by her beauty and the way it felt to have her body close to mine , I never wanted it to end. But when the song ended Emily pulled away and I whispered "I'll be right back" She looked confused as she watched me walk outside. I pulled a box of cigarettes out of my pocket lighting one up as I leant up against the side of the club when I heard the door open not thinking anything of it till I heard "You know they are bad for you right?" I looked up seeing Emily standing in front of me with her arms folded "Sorry mum" I said sarcastically automatically realising I shouldn't have said that when Emily pinned me against the wall and whispered in my ear "If you wanna be a bad girl, I can always punish you" I couldn't help but let out a little moan to the words she had just said to me "oh you like that?" Emily put her hand up to my throat squeezing tightly and I felt my whole body just become hers "I..I..I'm So..sorry" I stuttered as I could barely get my words out when Emily let go and said "that's a good girl" I completely just gave In to her pulling her body close to mine, our lips were so close together when she pulled away "come on, it's time I got you home" I couldn't even gather my thoughts I just simply nodded.

The next week was quite boring with just paperwork to fill in and I had barely seen Emily she'd been quite busy with work herself when it came time to leave work everyone said their goodbyes when I noticed Emily's office light was still on, I looked over at Penelope pulling her to one side and said "Hey what's Emily's favourite food?" Penelope told me and was quite excited about my idea, She drove me to the place and ordered the food before dropping me back to the BAU food in hand, as I got out I said "Thank you so much, Penelope, I'll see you tomorrow" Penelope replied "you are more than welcome, don't do anything I wouldn't do, see you tomorrow" giving me a wink before driving off.

I approached Emily's office knocking lightly when I heard a stern "Come in" I slowly opened the door and walked inside "Hey TJ you okay?" I nodded my head replying "yea, I just missed you I guess" getting a little embarrassed but continuing "And I noticed you were still here so I went and grabbed some dinner thinking maybe we could eat together if that's ok, I could give you some company" Emily's face light up and she said "aww honey, I missed you too. Everything had just been so busy with all this paperwork, dinner sounds good I honestly can't remember the last time I had dinner, to be honest," I smiled placing the food on the desk Emily looked at me shocked "How did you ... wait let me guess Penelope?" I nodded my head laughing "Here enjoy" I sat on the opposite side of the desk when Emily looked up at me "Why don't you come to sit over here?" I looked up at where she was pointing at the spot next to her, I nodded pulling the chair around to sit next to her. While eating Emily said handing me the computer mouse "Here anything you wanna watch?" I looked up to see the Netflix home page, I searched before landing on The Big Bang Theory my favourite comedy show Emily looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I said "Trust me" She just nodded watching the show, within 15 minutes Emily was laughing and I couldn't help but smile hear her beautiful laugh.

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