Chapter 9

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'Ding Ding' I took a few deep breaths before opening the door, Emily's mouth dropped open "You look, breathtaking baby girl" I took in Emily's beauty she was wearing jeans and a shirt "You look perfect" I gave her a quick kiss "I'm sorry, I am overdressed" Emily just smiled "No, you look perfect too" I pulled Emily in "I'm not sure if you will feel very comfy though" I chuckled "I tried to tell her but I only managed to convince her that I wasn't going to wear a dress" Emily got worried "Who did you tell?" I quickly said "No, No I didn't tell anyone I was with Penelope when you called and she saw me smiling and asked so I just told her I had a date but not with whom and I managed to tell her that you were busy with paperwork that's why you couldn't come shopping, I had to lie and I don't feel comfortable with lying" Emily looked relieved "Well, I didn't take you for a pink kinda girl, everything makes so much sense now" We bother burst into laughter. Emily asked "Do you wanna get changed into something more comfortable before we go" I shook my head "It's ok, this romper is comfortable, I might change my shoes though if that is ok" Emily smiled "Of course baby girl" I ran as quick as I could so that we could go. Before long I was ready and Emily took my arm in hers and led me out to the car opening the door for me "My lady" I curtsied "Why thank you" Causing us both to start laughing. Emily got in the driving seat taking my hand in hers as we drove.

Before long we had arrived Emily turned to me and said "Ok I need you to put this blindfold on and sit here for a little bit, I have a surprise and I tried thinking of another way to do it but I just couldn't without ruining the surprise" I saw how stressed she was getting so I held her hands in mine "Hey it's ok, I'll put the blindfold on ok? Take your time" Emily kissed me softly "Thank you, baby, ok put these over your eyes and I will be right back" After putting the blindfold on, It felt like forever before I heard Emily muttering to herself, All I could sense was a lot of bags being opened and the car was shaking a lot. It wasn't long before my door opened and I felt Emily's hands in mine pulling me up and guiding me somewhere, Once we stopped Emily moved behind me putting her chin on my shoulder "Are you ready?" I bit my lip and nodded my head when the blindfold was released and I couldn't believe my eyes, There was a bed in her boot with fairy lights and blankets, it was beautiful.

(Emily's car)

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(Emily's car)

"This is beautiful baby" Emily smiled "I am glad you like it, I know you are not a fan of crowds and public places and I thought this would be much more romantic" I gleamed at Emily giving her a peck on the lips "It is perfect thank you" Emily guided me to sit down before pulling out some food "I got your favourite before I picked you up" I got excited "You got Chinese?" She nodded "I did indeed" she bopped my nose "And I even got you some chopsticks, I know how much you hate cutlery" I kissed her excitedly "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" Emily tried to calm me down "Plus I managed to find Mamma Mia 2 on DVD so we can watch that while we eat, then after I thought we could cuddle and watch the sunset together" How did I manage to find just a perfect woman? After we had eaten we were cuddling watching the rest of the movie as I looked up at Emily "Thank you for all of this, I don't know what I would do without you" Emily smiled "Good job you will never have to be without me again" We kissed lightly turning back to the movie. A little while later Emily noticed the sun was starting to set "Look baby isn't it beautiful?" I nodded not finding the words to describe just as beautiful before thinking "It is but it'll never be as beautiful as you" Emily giggled "That was smooth" I winked at her "I know right" Emily pushed me down straddling me before holding my cheeks bringing me in for a kiss, It started to get heated and Emily's hands began to explore my body. I haven't stopped thinking about Emily's hands touching me since the incident in her Office but I grabbed her hand making her look up at me "Not here" was all I said before Emily nodded picking me up and putting me in the passenger seat and closing the boot before speeding off, I was shocked at how fast she had managed to do all that.

It wasn't long before we were parked outside of Emily's apartment when she came around opened my door and picked me up carrying me to her door "You know I can walk right?" Emily giggled "I know but I just wanna spoil you tonight" I kissed her cheek making Emily practically run to her door where someone was standing "Penelope?".

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