Chapter 20:

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Trigger Warning: Self-harm talk and Physical and Sexual Abuse


It has been a few weeks since I was found and my wounds were nearly healed but the doctors still wanted to keep me in, I did have some complications with a lot of infections from the wounds where I was left in the cellar for so long but the doctors worked so hard to help me get better and I am finally feeling better. Emily has been by my side the whole time unless there has been a case then Penelope came and stayed with me, I really have the best friends. Today is the trial day, they have tried to fit it into one day so that the BAU can get back to their cases as quickly as possible but if it runs over then there isn't anything they can do. I didn't want to see Jason again but I knew this was the last time so I was trying to mentally prepare myself and it was the first time leaving the hospital since the incident. Emily was helping me get ready when she saw my legs I saw a tear run down her cheek "Hey it's ok, those are old and healed now" Emily looked up at me "When was the last time?" I didn't want to tell her but I knew I had to "Two days before I was abducted" Emily looked sad "Why? You were with me" I looked away from her "I just couldn't cope, I have been doing it for such a long time, since the first time he hurt me and it was just how I coped with everything and I have so many emotions all at once and it becomes overwhelming I don't know how to process them all, I am so sorry" Emily thought about and said "Is that why you didn't want to, you know?" I nodded "I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you" Emily put her hand under my chin making me look at her "It's ok, I understand. You know you can tell me anything, I am not going anywhere. I promise" I nodded "Thank you" She continued to help me get dressed before asking if I was ready to go.

We arrived at the court house and Emily wheeled me in placing me where I was supposed to be upfront with my lawyer then there was an announcement "Please rise for Judge Brown" Everyone stood up but I couldn't from the pain. The Judge walked in and said "Thank you, everyone, please take a seat, this case is a sensitive case with a lot of evidence so please Jury take your time when reviewing all the evidence it is very important" The jury all shuffled in their seats uncomfortable by everyone staring at them "Right I know that we need to try and fit a lot in today so let's get started umm ...let's start with Mr Bronson" Mr Bronson stood up "Thank you, your honour, my client feels that Miss Johnson gave him false pretences and led him on giving him the right to react the way that he did, he was simply giving Miss Johnson what she wanted, I would like to call Miss Johnson to the witness stand" I started to panic, I had no idea I would be called up. I was wheeled over and I swore on the Bible ready to answer his questions, being up here was the first time I properly got to see him "OK Miss Johnson I wanna ask you a few questions regarding before all this took place" I nodded "Did you dance provocatively that would cause Mr Michelson to have the impression you liked him" my lawyer jumped up "Your honour I must question the relevance to this case as it was before the case where Mr Michelson was arrested before" I spoke "It is ok, I will answer the question" The Judge looked down at me and nodded "when I had met Jason I told him straight away that I was Gay and I liked girls, he was understanding and that is how we became such good friends, then when this party happened I felt safe enough with him that I could dance with him in any way with the understanding that I was gay, I was dancing with other people too and It was public knowledge of my sexuality" The lawyer then said "So you did" My Lawyer jumped up "Your honour that is leading and not what she said" The Judge agreed "Yes please, keep to the facts and not assumptions Mr. Bronson" He nodded "My apologies, your honour" the questions were never ending and I shut them all down.

"Mrs. Green please plead your case to the court" My lawyer had a solid case that couldn't be argued against "Thank you, your honour now I would like to present to the court a video taken by Mr Michealson himself, Please play evidence number 7654" the tech people played the video of me hanging by the chains and Jason asking the question with my response and the attack after the whole courtroom gasped. Jason became angry stood up and shouted, "How do you have that?" The Judge shouted at him "Mr Michealson if you don't sit down and be quiet you will be found in contempt" he sat back down and the video was continued once it stopped my lawyer played a second video where he assaulted me sexually and me verbally saying no. The court case went smoothly and I could see Jason becoming extremely angry. The two lawyers gave their closing statement when the Judge said: "Now if the jury could please go and discuss and make their verdict, we will convene back here once a verdict has been made, Please wait in the lobby, If it is going to be any longer than 4 hours we will send you home till the Jury is ready, thank you".

We were all sitting in the lobby and It must have been about 2 and a half hours when someone came out of the courtroom "The jury has made their decision please convene back in the courtroom" We all raced in to hear the verdict, I felt all the tension rise up in my chest scared he might get off when the Judge came back in "Can the spoke's person please stand" They stood "Have you made a decision on all counts?" the Juror said "We have your honour" The Judge nodded "Ok, One count 1 of involuntary abduction what is the verdict?" It was like time had stood still waiting for the Juror to answer then they said "Guilty" I felt all the tension release and I felt free "On count 2 of Sexual assault what is the verdict?" The juror replied "Guilty" I burst out crying with relief "On count 3 of attempted murder what is the verdict?" The Juror said "Guilty" The Judge finally asked, "And finally on count 4 of Unlawful Imprisonment what is the verdict?" The Juror said "Guilty" he was found guilty on all charges. The Judge said "With the verdict being guilty on all charges I am sentencing you to a life sentence because I personally believe you are and always will be a danger to society and you will not be eligible for parole and are never to try and contact Miss Johnson ever again for you will have further charges add to your case, Now please take him back to prison" Jason started shouting and fighting the security "I will kill you, this is all your fault you stupid bitch" He managed to get out of their grip and ran over to me hitting me really hard in the face I blacked out, not again!!

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