Chapter 19:

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"OMG TJ!!!" Emily shouted running over to me looking at my wounds and shouted "I need help in here call the medics, quick" I looked up at her "Emily, I didn't give up" I started to cry "I knew you would save me" then Luke ran in "We got him, he was arrested driving back here" I let out the deepest breath I had no idea I was holding in "You did such a good job baby girl, I got you, you are safe now" the medics came rushing in and I blacked out.

Emily's POV:

TJ went limp in my arms "Someone do something, She isn't breathing" The medics were here "Ma'am we need you to move out of the way please so we can help TJ" I shook my head "I am not leaving her" when JJ and Tara came up behind me picking me up moving me away as Tara said "Let them do there job Emily I promise you she will be ok" I looked up at her crying "I can't leave her again and let her down" JJ hugged me so tight "You didn't let her down" The medic shouted "I got a pulse, we need to move her now and fast!" I watched her be carried out following closely behind her, one of the medics said "We can't have anyone in the back of the ambulance right now we need extra medics to help with her treatment to keep her alive till we reach the hospital but you can meet us there" I nodded then fell to the floor crying as I watched the ambulance drive away. I just felt so useless and empty I didn't know what to do when Rossi came over to me and picked me up "We found something and you need to see this" I followed behind him walking into the living room and seeing computers set up. Luke pushed play and It was a video of TJ hanging by chains being violently attacked, I couldn't watch anymore just said "Get Penelope to go threw every inch of this computer, Tara and JJ we need to head to the hospital Rossi, Luke and Reid see what other evidence you can find and meet us there" the team agreed and we was off to the hospital.

We were sitting in the waiting room and I was pacing backwards and forwards it had been 3 hours since TJ went into surgery and we still hadn't had any word back from the doctor on how she was doing. JJ stood up "Emily, do you want a coffee?" I shook my head "No, I am okay, I just can't think straight right now" Tara came over to me putting her hand on my shoulder "Everything is going to be ok, she will pull through this she is a fighter" I nodded "I know, I just can't get that video out of my head, she went through so much and the way she went completely lifeless in my hands. I thought I had lost her" JJ said "I know, but we will help her through this, I will be right back" JJ went to walk out when the doctor came out "TJ is okay" I let out a breath feeling my whole body relax "she lost a lot of blood but we gave her a transfusion and the surgery went well" I smiled "Thank you so much, when can we see her?" The doctor nodded "You can come with me now, she is just waking up" We followed the doctor back to a room where I saw her, she had really bad bruises all over her, I got closer holding her hand in mine when her eyes fluttered open and she managed to say "Emily" my heart fluttered "I am here baby, I'm here" She looked up at me "I love you" I started to cry "I love you too".

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