Chapter 8

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TW: Smut

It has been a few weeks since me and Emily decided we should go on a date but; work has been so busy we haven't seen each other I miss her terribly. We have had multiple cases, one after the other and when we finally get a day off, Emily stays in the office to catch up with paperwork. I went back home a few days ago it is making me miss Emily more than ever.

I exited the elevator walking into the office when Emily came out of her office and shouted "TJ my office NOW!" Shit! What did I do? No matter how hard I tried I honestly couldn't think of anything that could have caused Emily to be this mad at me. I looked at everyone as I walked past and they all gave me sympathetic smiles, JJ mouthed "It'll be ok" The closer I got I realised Emily had shut all the blinds in her office, was it that bad no one could see? Maybe the team was good at lip reading too. I reached Emily's office and knocked on the door taking a deep breath "Come in" Emily said in a stern tone, ok now I was scared. I opened the door walking in only to have the door quickly shut behind me and being pushed up against a wall as Emily roughly kissed me, I couldn't help but let out a moan as her hand reached my throat, I loved the dominant side to Emily it makes me just wanna fall to my knees and obey every order she gives me. Emily pulled my hair making my head fall back and exposing my neck, she kissed slowly down my neck before she found my sweet spot making me moan and Emily reacted by biting me. I was starting to become so needy and screw the date, I just wanted her at this moment "I have missed you so much" All I could do was hum in agreement, Emily positioned herself so she was holding me up by her knee in between my legs making my legs turn to jelly, I wanted her to just take me, I subconsciously started to grind my hips on her knee causing Emily to moan which drove me crazy "Oh baby you like that don't you?" I nodded "Words baby" I managed to get out a "yes" when Emily pressed her knee harder into me "Are you going to be a good girl for Mummy?" That was it those words sent me over the edge "Please Mummy, I need you" Emily smiled "Oh do you, what exactly do you want me to do?" I grabbed her hand placing it at the entrance of my pants "Please" Emily nodded undoing the button to my pants and slowly entering her hand teasing me "Like this baby?" I squirmed trying to get her hand in the right place "Mummy please Fuck me" That was all she needed when she started to circle my clit with her fingers but there was a knock on the door and Emily pulled her hand out telling me to sit down in the chair opposite her desk, this was so unfair.

After Emily had finished her conversation with David Rossi about some paperwork they were supposed to be filling out Emily shut the door resting her head against it "That shouldn't have happened I'm sorry" I got up and walked over to her placing my hand on her shoulder "Hey baby look at me" Emily looked up at me over her shoulder "You did say we couldn't be a thing while we were at work, It's ok this is our job and our dream I wouldn't want to do anything that could jeopardise that for either of us" Emily spun around "I think I might be falling in love with you TJ" Before kissing me on the lips "Now we both need to get to work so I am going to say something to you loud enough that the others can hear and they'll think I have been telling you off this whole time ok?" I looked at her shocked and whispered in her ear "And what am I supposed to do with how wet I am?" Emily looked shocked "I...I" I started laughing "I'm joking baby" Emily slapped my arm "Hey" I carried on laughing at her "I have never seen you lost for words" Then whispered "But to be honest I am still pretty wet right now, that'll give you something to think about for the rest of the day" Emily kissed me hard "Oh, just you wait Princess" I winked at her before opening the door pretending to look sad and Emily said "And if this happens again, I will be suspending you from going out on the field, do I make myself clear" I lowered my head and agreed before leaving the office. I didn't manage to get much work done for the rest of the day all I could think about was Emily's hands all over my body.

It was time to head home the day was slow and boring, as I was packing up my things ready to leave Penelope beamed "Hey you, how are you? How is Tink? We should catch up fancy a girl's night" I was about to speak when my phone started to ring "Can you hold that thought? I really need to answer this" Penelope replied "Of course, I'll be right over here when you are done" I smile looking at my phone and seeing Emily's name on the screen "Hello" Emily said "Be ready by 7 pm dress in something comfortable, see you soon baby" and she hung up, I couldn't help but smile Penelope said, "Ooo who's got you smiling like that?" I didn't know what to say but I know that I need to lie "Oh I didn't tell you, I have met someone and we are going on our first date today, that was her confirming" Penelope got excited "OMG!! This is amazing, It is about time we got some good news around here" I smiled "Is It ok if we do girls' night another time?" Penelope replied "Of course, but I want all and I mean all the details" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I wrapped my arms around her "I do love you Penelope Garcia" She squeezed me hard and said, "I love you too, now do you need help picking out an outfit?" I thought about it "I'm not sure, she said to just dress comfortable, What even is comfortable? It's a date so shouldn't I dress nice? Ok, I may be panicking a little" Penelope put her hands on my shoulders "It's ok, I got this come with me" I questioned her "Where are we going?" Penelope giggled then screamed excitedly "Shopping!! Come on we can go with Esther" I looked confused "Esther?" Penelope laughed "My car silly" We both laughed and took off for the mall.

Once we arrived Penelope said "Well we need a dress and new shoes, Ohhhhh and accessories" I laughed questioning "Is a dress comfortable? See I was thinking of getting a nice tartan shirt with some black jeans or smart trousers" Penelope scrunched her nose at me "I need you to trust me, I got this" I didn't want to argue with her, so I did the only thing I could think to do, I secretly messaged JJ asking if she wanted to come while we were driving here and as we entered Forever 21 we hear a familiar voice "Hey girls you ready to do some shopping?" Penelope beamed "JJ you're here" I smiled "Yea I asked her to come and thought it would be a fun girl's trip" JJ looked around "Where's Emily? It's not a proper girl's trip without Emily" I had to think of something quick "Oh she had a lot of paperwork to finish, It was really important" Penelope thought about it for a moment before saying "The section chief has been very strict recently, now let's get you a new dress to wear on your date" JJ got excited "Date? How exciting? Let's go".

After an hour of shopping with much debate and help from JJ, I gave in to Penelope's insistence to wear something pink but I managed to convince her that I would wear a romper Instead of a dress with pink high heels and I brought two butterfly necklaces that connect, I thought it would be a cute gift to give to Emily. Penelope had tried to say she would come back with me to help me get ready but I couldn't risk her seeing Emily pick me up, I said my goodbyes and ran home as fast as I could realising it was half past six, I had half an hour to get ready. I had the quickest shower I've ever had, blow drying and styling my hair into curls with light makeup before putting my outfit on making sure everything was the way Penelope had envisioned it, of course making sure to send a picture to Penelope getting a 'You look amazing!! Have the best time' when my doorbell chimed.

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TJ's Outfit, Shoes and Necklace

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TJ's Outfit, Shoes and Necklace.

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