Chapter 4

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I woke up blinking because the lights were so bright and I had no idea where I was, once my eyes had adjusted I looked around the room to see Emily sitting in the chair next to me and I was in a hospital bed which is when it all came flooding back, the unsub and Emily shooting me. Emily noticed I was awake and jumped out of her seat "OMG! You are awake, How are you feeling?" I looked away from her and said "Get out!" Emily said "TJ please I am so sorry for what happened please forgive me" I shook my head and simply said, "Get out!" I heard Emily starting to walk out when she said "I am so sorry" before walking out of the door. Moments later Penelope comes running in "Are you okay? I just saw Emily come running out crying, I didn't wait to ask her any question, I just ran straight in" I nodded "I'm fine, I just told her to get out, I don't want to see her, wait how did you get here?" Penelope looked concerned "But It wasn't Emily's fault from what I heard, It was an accident no? Oh, you are back home once you was stable Emily had you flown back so you didn't have to stress about getting another flight home once you were well enough" I shook my head "I asked her to trust me, but she didn't she came bursting in and the unsub was startled so she grabbed my gun, Emily fired and I had to protect her, If she had listened to me none of this would have happened, I was about to bring the unsub out" Penelope looked shocked "Omg you nearly died and all because Emily didn't trust you?" I nodded "And she could hear everything I was saying which made it all worse because I had just openly spoken to the unsub about my trauma and past, which I never speak about and I knew Emily could hear me" Penelope stood up "I will be right back". After a while Penelope came back "I spoke to Emily and she said the signal on your coms had gone down after you entered the building, she waited as long as she could before she came in, she trusted you but with your coms being down she couldn't hear if you needed help and you was in their for a long time" I couldn't believe what I was hearing Emily did trust me, I looked up at Penelope and said "Could you do me a favour please?" Penelope nodded "Anything" I smiled "Could you get Emily for me please?" Penelope jumped up "Right away" then ran out of the door.

before long Emily came in, tears still staining her cheeks "Lock the door" Emily looked confused before doing as I said turning back to face me, I held my hand out to her which she walked over and took in hers before bursting into tears again "I am so sorry, I should have trusted you" I pulled her into me not expecting the amount of pain that followed causing Emily to jump up "I am so sorry" I shook my head struggling to move over in the bed but I managed to move enough before pulling Emily to come and lay next to me with her head on my chest still lightly crying "It's ok, It wasn't your fault" Emily looked up at me "But it was if I had trusted you then this never would have happened" I wiped the tear that was running down Emily's cheek. We sat silently for a while just holding each other when I said "Did you really not hear anything I said?" Emily shook her head looking up at me, as I got lost in my own thoughts "What's on your mind?" Emily asked I shook my head not saying a word just biting my lip trying to stop the tears from flowing Emily got up holding me to her chest as she said "Oh baby girl come here" I couldn't help but let it all out "Shh It's all going to be ok, I am right here" Emily said whilst playing with my hair trying to calm me down. After a while, I had calmed down and told Emily everything causing tears to run down her cheeks, she puts her finger under my chin making me look up at her as she says "I will never let anyone hurt you ever again, I promise" I nodded just wrapping my arms around her tight "I want to go home" Emily replied "You have to stay for a few days for observation" I shook my head "I can't stay here, I need to go home. I can just discharge myself" Emily looked mad at what I had just said "You are staying here and that's final. Or if you do manage to discharge yourself you will be coming home with me and I will be watching you like a hawk, do I make myself clear?" God I was so turned on, I couldn't speak all I could do was nod and clench my thighs together, Emily must have noticed because she whispered in my ear "That's my good girl" A moan slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it, Emily had the biggest smile on her face I had ever seen when I whispered, "Take me home".

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