Chapter 10:

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Recap: It wasn't long before we were parked up outside of Emily's apartment when she came around opened my door and picked me up carrying me to her door "You know I can walk right?" Emily giggled "I know but I just wanna spoil you tonight" I kissed making Emily practically run to her door where someone was standing "Penelope?".

Penelope's mouth dropped seeing Emily carrying me "This is who you went on a date with?" Penelope asked I shook my head thinking quickly "No, I got injured while on my date and I called Emily to come to pick me up that is why she is carrying me" Penelope's shock turned to concern and she ran over to me checking me over "OMG! Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" I shook my head "No one hurt me, We went for a walk and the heel on my shoe broke causing me to twist my ankle, Emily brought me some shoes that's why I am wearing these" OK I won't lie but this is a pretty good lie, I have never been the type of person to tell a lie before but since being with Emily it is all I seem to do but I know it is for a good reason, however, doesn't make it any easier as it's just not who I am. Emily cleared her throat "So as much as I love seeing you Penelope, why are you here?" Penelope gathered herself "Right yes, there is a case and no one could get a hold of you or TJ so I came to make sure you were okay" Emily sighed "Of course there is a case, well we better get going," Emily said turning around walking back to her car still carrying me "That was a good lie, you are getting too good at those" I looked sad "Emily I hate lying it's not the type of person I am and I know why I have to but they are our friends wouldn't they want us to be happy?" Emily placed me in the car and said "Well they would but Penelope can't keep a secret for one and it is just too risky" before shutting my door and getting in her side.

Once we arrived at the office we practically ran into the building not wanting to be any more late than we already were causing me to fall and twist my ankle "OH SHIT!!" Emily ran over to me "Omg! Are you okay?" I shook my head "No but I would say this is karma" Emily just picked me up off the floor carrying me the rest of the way, When we entered the room with the round table everyone was looking at us "What happened? Are you okay?" JJ said noticing the blood dripping from my knee as Emily sat me down on a chair "Yeah I twisted my ankle in them new shoes on my date and I called Emily to come and get me" Tara replied "Let me get the first aid box and clean you up while Penelope catches you both up on the case" I nodded my head "Right this one's bad there have been 13 bodies found in a house in Kentucky, each victim has been tortured a different way as you can see from the pictures on the screen now" Penelope pushed a button and all our mouths dropped as we saw the pictures "The owner of the house has been dead for 20 years but no family claimed the house and the paperwork just became lost so no one realised the house was still there until two days ago when it was found. The lawyer went to visit it to see if anyone was living there like squatters or if any of the family members had changed their minds before going forward with selling the house back to the state and that's when he found the victim's bodies" Emily asked, "How is that even possible?" Penelope looked down at the notes on her iPad "Nobody knows to be honest but they have asked for our assistance with the case" Emily stood up "OK well, Wheels up in 30" Everyone nodded running out to grab their things, I thanked Tara when she gave me a sympathetic look before getting up and following the rest of the team but me not so much, my ankle hurt so bad I couldn't even stand on it Penelope noticed coming over to me "Hey Is it that bad? Maybe you shouldn't go out in the field on this case?" I looked up at her shocked "I have to go the team needs me, It is a big case" Emily chimed in "No, I think Penelope is right and while we are travelling I think you should go to the ER and have it x-rayed, Penelope would you mind taking her?" Penelope said "Of course not, I will look after her" I butted in "Don't I get a say in this?" Emily looked at me sternly "I am your boss young lady and you will do as you are told, do you hear me?" I nodded not saying a word "Now, I have to run but please look after her Penelope" Penelope promised and then looked over at me "Ooo you are in so much trouble, Emily never shouts unless she is mad" I shrugged my shoulders "Can we just get this over with please?" Penelope nodded "Sure, wait right here there should be a wheelchair around here somewhere" I didn't argue with her, just watched her leave the room leaving me with my thoughts. Emily really did look mad at me and she didn't even say goodbye I really should apologise I pulled out my phone and typed 'I am sorry I made you mad at me and I hope you can forgive me, Please stay safe so you can come home to me' sending it to Emily before long I received a reply 'I'm not mad at you baby girl, I want to know you are ok and this is for the best. As much as I don't want to be away from you for the next couple of days you need to get your ankle checked out and rest it as much as possible so we can finish the end of our date ;)' I smiled and replied 'Cheeky, I am fine though babe I promise Penelope has gone to find a wheelchair then off to the ER. Keep you updated' My phone vibrated almost immediately 'Be a good girl OK?' I replied 'I will, I promise' As Penelope was back with the wheelchair "Right let's get checked out" and we were off the the hospital.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the hospital, Penelope took us up to the front desk "Hello, I wonder if you can help me I'm Penelope Garcia technical analyst and this is SSA TJ we are with the BAU and TJ here may have broken her ankle but the problem is we are in the middle of a case and we need to get back to the office as soon as possible ..." The lady at the desk stood up "Yes, of course, Miss Garcia, your team helped to find my little girl and bring her back to me a few years ago" The lady picked up a picture of her little whom Penelope remembered immediately " I am ever so grateful to you, your work is so important so let's get TJ that X-ray, so you can both go back to saving peoples, lives" Penelope smiled "Thank you so much and how is your daughter doing now, she is such a sweet little girl" Penelope started to follow the lady to X-ray "She is doing a lot better now thank you for asking, she's always telling her friends how amazing your team are, think you might have inspired her, she says she wants to be a profile now" They both started to laugh "How old is she now?" The lady replied "she's 4" Penelope gleamed "That's such a beautiful age" The lady nodded "Right we are here, can you walk at all?" I shook my head "No I did try but it hurts too much" The lady nodded "Ok I'll wheel you in and you can shuffle on if that's ok?" I nodded.

The X-ray process didn't take too long. We were waiting in the waiting area when my name was called causing Penelope to jump up, wheeling me in "Ok, I have good news and bad news" This was going to be worse than I thought "Ok?" The doctor clicked on his computer and turned it towards us "Right as you can see here it is a very serious break you will need surgery" All I could say was "FUCK! But we have a case" The doctor smiled "And that is where the good news comes into it, I have an opening in about ..." The doctor tapped away on his computer "Yes, I have an opening in 30 minutes, We can get this done now and you will only be under for about an hour, Is there any way you can both work from a hospital room, I can get you a private room away from anyone so no one will be able to overhear and interrupt you?" I looked over at Peneople who just nodded, I turned back to the doctor "OK, what is going to happen?" He put his hands together leaning on the side of his desk "I need to go in and stabilise your ankle and leg because as you can see from the X-rays the break goes all the way up your calf just below your knee meaning it can be very dangerous, worst case if it doesn't heal right you could lose your leg" I was in shock he asked, "Are you sure you did this by twisting your ankle?" I nodded "Yeah I twisted it and fell, I heard it crack," The doctor thought for a moment "Ok, I saw on your record you sustained a gunshot wound a few weeks ago, Do you think anything to do with that could have weakened your leg and ankle for it to cause such a bad break?" I thought for a moment "I did physically jump in the air taking the bullet before falling to the ground quite hard We were all so worried about the bullet wound that we didn't think the fall could have jeopardised anything else" The doctor nodded "That honestly makes so much sense, you could have sustained a hair line fracture so small it wouldn't have effected you but when you twisted your ankle it made the injury so much worse" I just nodded listening "Well let's get you ready" He stood up ready to wheel me off "Do I have time to call my boss and tell her?" I just wanted to hear Emily's voice telling me everything was going to be okay, I was scared of needles and just this whole situation I wished she was here, but Penelope said "It's ok, I will call Emily and keep her updated, You just go and get fixed up okay?" I gave her a small smile as I was wheeled out of the room down to surgery.

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