Chapter 7

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"Omg, TJ, never do that again I was so worried about you. Come here," Emily pulled me into a hug "I am so sorry," I held her tight not wanting to let go "You don't have to be sorry" I pulled away to look her in the eye "I totally understand, you are my boss and that's makes this all so difficult for you" Emily gave me a sad smile and started pacing in her living room "There is just so much at steak and I know the rule better than anyone, we can't have a relationship with the people we work with let alone me being your boss but from the moment I laid my eyes on you" Emily stop looking at me in the eye "All these feelings came flooding in and I tried to hard to fight them but when we kissed it was like an explosion inside of me" Emily walked over to me putting her hand on my cheek "I haven't felt like this about anyone before" I smiled leaning in to her hand "I felt it to but it's ok we can just end it here, I don't want you to lose your job because of me, you worked so hard to get where you are" Emily got closer "I don't want this to stop" Emily pulled me in kissing me passionately, I put my hand on her hips pulling her closer not wanting the kiss to end. Emily spun me around guiding me back till I hit the kitchen counter lifting me, I wrapped my legs around her pulling her in as tight as I could. Soon we both pulled away gasping for air, I reached out to touch Emily's face "Are you sure about this?" Emily nodded "With all my heart" I smiled pulling her back for another kiss "I never wanna stop kissing you" I said against her lips. Emily's hand moved from my face down my body as she lightly brushed over my boob, I slightly jumped causing Emily to pull away "I'm sorry, was that too much?" I looked down "I mean I already told you Miss Emily Prentiss you gotta take me on a date before you get me in your bed" Emily laughed "So you weren't too loopy on pain meds when you said that to me" I got embarrassed "Maybe" Emily kissed me softly "Where would you like to do for our first date?" I looked down going quiet, Emily lifted my chin up "We can do anything you feel comfortable with" I shook my head "It's not that, I have just never been on a date before, that's why I wanna do this the right way" I point between us "I asked to take my ex's on dates but they was always too busy, so I guess they got what they wanted and that was that" Emily cupped my cheeks "Then I will plan the perfect first date and show you just how special you are to me" I couldn't stop myself from leaning in kissing Emily with so much passion when she abruptly pulled away "listen when we are at work we can't be like this okay? No one can know" I nodded "That's ok baby, I get it" Emily beamed "How about we cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie?" I nodded fast getting excited "Ooo can we watch Bloomington pleassseeee?" Emily giggled "Of course we can" and that's just what we did cuddling all night till we both fell asleep peacefully.

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