Chapter 12:

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Trigger warning: Sexual assault, being held a prisoner, physical abuse and torture


I felt a hard blow hit me in the side of the face knocking me to the ground "You stupid little bitch, How dare you go to the toilet without my permission?" I looked at the floor when I felt a sharp kick to my stomach "Speak" he shouted. I winced at how loud he was "I am sorry I couldn't hold it in any longer and you weren't home and you won't let me use my phone, so I couldn't call you to ask" He came down to my level grabbing me by the hair pulling my head back and said through gritted teeth "Then just piss yourself like the waste of space you are, now I am going to punish you and you are going to take it like a good girl" I was physically shaking when he picked me up ripped my clothes off throwing me onto the bed face down, I heard him taking his spike encrusted belt off I tried to speak but I was frozen with fear then he said "Now count" I felt the sharp hit on my back and the warmth of blood running down from the wound "I said count!!!" I quickly said "1" After 30 lashes I could not move at all "Now you are going to make it up to me aren't you?" I was so scared by what he meant when he stood up and started unbuttoning his pants "No, No please No" I shouted wishing he would hear me and stop but he didn't. I was in too much pain to even move and save myself "I am gay!! Please don't do this again please" He hit me again and said "You are not a disgusting puff" I felt another hit but this time to my head "You are mine to do whatever I want with" Another hit to the head harder each time "Say it again and I will kill you with my bare hands" the last hit I was unconscious. My body couldn't take any more.

End of Flashback:

I was breathing heavily trying to get out of this horrible flashback when I heard Emily's sweet voice "Baby girl it is ok, I am right here, you are safe, please come back to me" Hearing her voice brought me out I looked up at Emily and burst into hysterical tears "I got you, baby, its ok, just breath, you are safe" after a while I calmed down and fell asleep on Emily's chest.

I woke up to the sun shining through the room, I looked up and saw Emily's beautiful face that gleamed in the sunlight. I lightly kissed Emily on the lips causing her to moan a little as she kissed me back "I want to wake up like this every day from now on, this was the best wake up" I smirked at her and said "I have other ways that are better" giving her a wink Emily blushed slapping my arm slightly "Cheeky, how did you sleep?" I nodded my head "Really good actually being in your arms really helped" Emily smiled at me "Well I am glad to be of assistance, I will always keep you safe" Then there was a knock at the door and my doctor came walking in "Hey TJ, How are you feeling?" I smiled "I am actually really good thank you but I am still in a lot of pain" My doctor replied "OK I can try and get you some stronger pain killers and we can see how they work. Also, I would like to send you for another X-ray to make sure the placement of the bones has settled and if they have and I am happy with the healing process over the last few days then you can go home but you will need a lot of help with showering and moving about as you can NOT put any weight on your leg at all" I nodded my head and before I could say anything Emily said "That would be great thank you and don't worry TJ can come and stay with me and be well looked after" I looked up at Emily shocked but also finding her dominance sexy.

The X-ray didn't take long at all and we were now sitting and waiting for the doctor to come with the results, I had only just gone home and now I had to go back to Emily's again which I didn't mind but I need her to help with showering. God this is going to be fun (Note the Sarcasm). About 20 minutes later the doctor came in with a smile on his face giving me hope when he said "OK so I have looked at your X-ray result and the bone looks like it is settling perfectly but it will be a long recovery, the bone had completely broke not the way it usually does but all the way up your leg and it is a lot of bone to heal so you will be in the cast for a lot longer than with a normal break. you can go back to work but no travelling and NO WALKING AT ALL!, not even for a few seconds" I nodded "I ..." Before I could talk Emily said "Oh don't worry, she is not going to be walking or moving at all and definitely not travelling. she is going to let it heal properly so there will be no chance of it happening again" The doctor nodded looking at me "Looks like you are in very good hands" I nodded giving Emily a loving look "Oh I am, thank you so much doctor, for everything" The doctor nodded and said "You are very welcome, there will be a lot of follow up appointments so I will be in contact" we both nodded in agreement and the doctor started to leave the room before turning back and saying "Oh and thank you so much for the work you do keeping our country safe, If it wasn't for you there would be so many more deaths of innocent people so thank you so much" I gleamed not expecting the recognition "You're welcome" Me and Emily said in unison.

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