Chapter 6

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The past two weeks were amazing me and Emily have become close we now practically know everything about each other for instance, how Emily hates cooking but that was where I came in because I love cooking and could do it for hours. I was not able to walk about and move without being in agony, just one more week before I can get my stitches removed and I can go back to work, I tried begging Emily to let me go back to work even if it was to sit at my desk and do paperwork but her answer was "You are not leaving this apartment until you are fully healed and there is no risk of your stitches popping out" I mean I appreciated how much she cared about me but I have never spent so much time with someone before, I am usually on my own and I always have been.

Emily was doing some paperwork at her table when I came out of the shower in just a towel, I slowly walked up behind her putting my arms around her neck "Hey you" Emily smiled "Hey did you enjoy your shower?" I nodded "I did, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me change my bandages they got a little wet, I did try" Emily nodded as I let go, she got up out of her chair facing me when her mouth dropped open, ok when I said I was in a towel it may have been a little towel that barely covered anything because it was the only towel I could find, I put my finger under her chin and closed her mouth "Close your mouth or you'll catch flies" Emily couldn't quite find her words so she just stared at me while licking her lips, "Come on then" I grabbed her hand pulling her into the bedroom, I sat down on the bed about to move the towel when Emily put her hand on top of mine stopping me "Don't you wanna get dressed first?" I looked down acting shocked "Oh yea" I stood up with my back to Emily and dropped my towel, I heard her breath hitch and I Pulled my boxers up and put on a bra before turning towards her "Is this better" Emily still couldn't find her words but I laid down next to her taking her hand and placing it on my belly "It's ok" I whispered "Right yes your bandages" Emily changed them not saying another word but once she was done she said "I just have to pop out, I will be right back" Once she had left I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in, why is she fighting this? Maybe she doesn't want me.


The past week has been uneventful, today I had my stitches removed and Emily said she wants to keep an eye on me overnight and then I can go back home tomorrow. I don't wanna go back home, I have loved spending time with Emily but despite all of my advances Emily just pushed me away. Tonight we are having a girl's night with JJ and Penelope to celebrate my recovery and I can not wait. It is nearly time for the girls to get here when Emily shouted out to me "Hey TJ, Can you come here for a moment please?" I went to her bedroom where she was sitting on her bed "Hey what's up?" Emily looked up at me and smiled patting the space next to her "Come sit with me for a bit before the others get here" I gladly did as I was told cuddling into her side, I noticed she was sad "What's wrong?" Emily looked down at me "I'm just going to miss having you here is all" I smiled "I'm going to miss you too, I don't really wanna go home if I'm being honest" Emily smiled "You don't, I mean we could extend your stay for a little while and just tell people it's because you needed more help with your wound" I got a bit to excited by Emily's suggestion I couldn't hold it back anymore and quickly smashed our lips together, Emily tensed up but soon relaxed kissing me back. before long the doorbell rang and we jumped apart I said "I am so sorry, I didn't ..." Emily shook her head and cut me off "Noo, It's ok. We better answer the door or we will get asked a million questions" I nodded as Emily walked out of the room leaving me feeling my lips in shock, I just kissed Emily Prentiss and my boss.

Girls' night was going well, a lot of drinking and games Penelope tried to hand me another drink "Come on TJ just one please?" I scrunched up my nose shaking my head "I don't drink wine" Penelope looked sad and I thought ok maybe one drink won't hurt, I got up and said I would be right back, luckily Emily had a shop at the end of her road, It wasn't long before I was back at Emily's with a six-pack of fruity cider, Penelope was so happy to see me with alcohol whereas Emily looked concerned. One drink turned into 4 drinks and after not drinking for 6 years they went straight to my head, we were all pretty drunk. I stumble out onto Emily's balcony lighting up a cigarette, when she came out "I thought we spoke about this?" I hummed "We did but I'm still curious as to what my punishment would be" Emily narrowed her eyes at me "Don't push it little girl" I came up closer to her inches away from her lips "Maybe that's just what I want to do" I pushed Emily's back against the wall taking her lips into mine, Emily spun us around pinning me against the wall by my hands before pulling away looking me in the eyes, I could see so much lust like she wanted to just eat me alive. Emily looked like she was looking for the right words to say when she said quietly "I'm sorry, we can't" I was in shock I pushed her off me, walking out of her apartment with no idea where I was going but I just kept on walking and walking. The night air was so refreshing it wasn't long before I had sobered up and managed to clear my head, why did she kiss me back if she never wanted me? She was always so loving and caring towards me but maybe Penelope got it wrong. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw a lot of missed calls from Emily, JJ and Penelope I didn't realise my phone was on silent I started to listen to some voicemails 'Hey It's Emily, I am so sorry I didn't mean what I said I just got scared' she took a deep breath 'I have never liked someone as much as I like you and that scares me because you have such a hold over me and I feel like I'm losing control, you know me I like to be in control, please come back JJ and Penelope have gone home, it'll be just us ok? Please I need you' Those last three words were all I needed and I was running back to Emily's, It didn't take long and I was standing outside her front door when it swung open.

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