Celestial Whispers.

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Note ! the entity resembles eclipse ( due to eclipse being from Lunar's trauma ) but it is not eclipse, just an illusion of Lunar's.

Lunar was patiently waiting for Blood Moon to return safely, he was delighted that today was Blood Moon's return. He swayed, rocking himself back and forth, Moon was in his room, probably working on some random project. Sun was doing god knows what in his room, he always had his door closed, it was always closed, and it was really cold in there.

Lunar decided to leave, jumping down into the ballpit, landing gracefully on the floor padding, he slightly brushed his torso. He began walking to the security desk, climbing on top. He stared at the 'Sundrop : Energizing Candy.' Ad, that was plastered among the screen behind the security desk.

He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around his stomach. He yawned a bit, his tail swayed perfectly, almost in a hypnotizing rhythm. He felt a pressure, a feeling of someone glooming around, a presence which was strong, his nanomachines jittered, his mind was screaming caution.

He opened his eyes, eagerly, desperately looking for the presence that was haunting him. His eyes darted back and forth, his mind making up illusions of moving objects, his hands began to sweat, his breathing pushing his shoulders up a bit.

He began to panic, he hated this feeling, this feeling of being watched. He knew something was here, and it definitely wasn't Blood Moon, his eyebrows began to crease a frown. He was scared out of his mind. He began to whine, his eyes couldn't help but close, his mouth snarling.

Why couldn't this feeling just go away, why must it haunt him like this, what was haunting him like this, who was haunting him like this. His fists clenched, he began to back up, his mind racing, one side of his mind eager to calm down, another side loathing, rather speedy to figure out the entity which was haunting him, taunting him, making him feel trapped.

He dug his hands in his face plate, desperately trying to hide this feeling, to make himself hide, to hide himself away, to escape this. But, to no avail, he could feel this presence approach him, getting closer, nearing. This feeling stalked him, his body aching, he tucked his knees, clenching his fists.

He snarled, he felt something touch his shoulder. "Useless little brat." The voice rang in his head, he couldn't help but sit there, and take in the horrendous comments, disrelish began to drag his soul.

"You are nothing, nobody will ever cherish you, nobody ever has. Moon hates you, Sun hates you, Eclipse hates you, Blood Moon hates you, Monty hates you, Killcode hates you, nobody will ever adore you, love you, they will never share compassion with you, nobody will ever show respect to you, no one ever has, no one ever will, you're a dumb, idiotic, insecure, little waste of a body, a useless little brat, nobody ever loved." The voice sang to him, the voice was harsh, bitter, hopeless.

Lunar stared down at his hands, staring down. The entity's presence still filled the air, filling the silence, "No, no I'm not, Sun loves me! Blood Moon loves me! Moon Loves me! Monty loves me! Killcode loves me! I don't care what Eclipse thinks of me, he was a selfish, arrogant, dull, miserable waste of space!" Lunar snarled, his eyes slit, tears forming. His body was weak, he felt weak, he hated this feeling.

"Weakling, that word describes you well. You have no use of this body, you can't even fight a rat, what use do you give? What purpose have you given?" The entity hummed, a snarl forming.

Lunar just groaned, his cries turned into a viscous sob. "Please just stop! Please!" Lunar tucked in on himself, he couldn't get the words out of his head, his claws tearing at his face plate, his teeth snarling.

"Why should I, you know damn well it's all true, useless, pathetic, pissy brat!" The entity snarled, screaming these words, it scared Lunar horribly, the screaming ringing in his hearing sensors, he sobbed, Lunar flopped over to his side, the entity was practically screaming, yelling, crying out the words 'useless.' 'Pathetic.' 'Undeserving.' 'Brat." Nothing was stopping.

Lunar just sobbed, his tail tucking in between his legs, he couldn't take it anymore, it hurt so bad, he started screaming the try and block out the bitter screams of the entity, but nothing was working.

"STOP! SHUT UP! PLEASE! LEAVE ME A-ALONE! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Lunar sobbed, screaming at the top of his lungs, but to no avail, it just kept going, and going, and going, why.

"SHUT UP!" Lunar screamed, tearing his face plate. He wanted it to end so bad, he wanted it gone, his palms were sweaty, he was shaking, his chest felt empty, but at the same time felt heavy, his hands covering his eyes, why couldn't it stop.

Why did today go so horribly? He was screaming 'shut up' 'leave me alone' 'why' over and over again, but nothing was working, he had tucked in so much his torso casing had cracked from pressure.

He felt a hand reach for his wrists, a familiar voice calling to him. "Lunar? LUNAR! What's happening? Moon what's going on?" Sun was panicked, his voice ringing distantly from the screams, everything was ringing, dried tears, Lunar's mouth was sore from screaming, his throat aching.

"SHUT UP! STOP IT! PLEASE! SUN PLEASE HELP ME, IT WONT G-GO AWAY, MAKE IT GO AWAY! PLEASE STOP IT!" Lunar screamed for Sun, Sun felt horrible, he held Lunar, tucking Lunar in his arms, Lunar stopped screaming and was just sobbing horribly.

Lunar felt Moon's hand reach for his neck, Lunar began to panic. "Shh, it's okay, shh." Moon's voice, his calm, soothing voice. Lunar calmed down by the voice of his two brothers assurance's and praises.

"We're here now okay, we're right here." Moon hummed, his voice soothing the pain of the ringing noise. The screaming had stopped, the entity was gone, it had failed. Lunar just smiled, closing his eyes, dried tears staining his metal, he felt Moon flip a switch.

Moon had turned him off, to calm him down, and that helped. Lunar could finally rest, finally powered off, he heard nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing. He just felt calm again, happy again, peace and quiet, he felt his body relax, and being placed on a couch and a charger, the charger electrifying his energy, making him relax and finally be able to have some energy after crying for so long.

Sun patted Lunar's back, they would turn him back on once Blood Moon arrived, since someone Lunar wanted to see would be here to talk to him. Moon was repairing Lunar's face plate and torso case, Sun just caressed Lunar's shoulders as Moon worked.

Lunar was finally resting peacefully, waiting for Blood Moon's return. 



Feel kinda bad for Lunar but it has to happen you guys ( no he didn't die POOKIES he's jus resting )

Eclipse as a coral snake ⁉️

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