Moon Shining.

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Hey POOKIES SRRY for not updating this it's because I've been on my period and I have not felt like doing shit so I apologize 

Next part will be posted tomorrow or today if I'm not a lazy little bitch about it 



A few days swept past, Blood Moon had gone on an adventure of sorts. He didn't tell anyone what exactly that adventure was whatsoever, only that he'd be gone for a long while until he got back.

Lunar had granted him a farewell, and safe adventure. It made Blood Moon smile, Blood Moon snapped back to reality when he stepped on a branch, he rolled his eyes and stomped on the branch a couple times.

He looked around, still no sight of prey, or offering. He fixed his eyes on something that had ducked behind a tree trunk. He growled lightly, before crawling to the destination. He saw an oddly giant robot sitting near a fire, some fireflies glistening on their metal.

Blood Moon saw a starry hat, he closely examined the body, they seemed to be relaxing or something. The body turned its head, its red eyes examining Blood Moon from a second, both the entity and Blood Moon knew they had met before.

"Blood Moon?" Killcode, it was Killcode, his deep and menacing voice calling out to Blood Moon, Blood Moon stared for some time, taking in this moment.

He had found what he was looking for.

Blood Moon dashed into Killcode's arms, purrs erupted them both. Blood Moon curled up in Killcode's lap, making biscuits on Killcode's shin.

Killcode began to pet Blood Moon's back, Blood Moon purred, falling asleep a bit. But, he then felt his brother take control, Red Moon then turned and hugged Killcode, Killcode hugged him back, they stayed there for a few moments before releasing each other, they missed each other very much.

"My sons, how have you been?" Killcode asked, happily requesting to hear Blood Moon's other adventures and drama's.

"A lot, we have met that Lunar, blue man to be exact, he is very nice." Red Moon cooed, climbing down to the grassy bits, sitting down on them.

"Oh really? Moon said he could be a pain in the ass, but I suppose you are correct, after all I have heard from him when I was in the mindscape." Killcode's eyes fluttered, darting over to the fire, he smiled, closing his eyes, enjoying the warmth.

"Not yet, he has not. But, moon man is the pain in the ass! He has attacked us!" Red Moon snarled, hissing a bit, his claws unsheathing as his eyes slit from anger.

"He what? Attacked you? For what reason?" Killcode opened his eyes, turning his head to face Red Moon's aggression.

"We do not know! We were playing and watching a screen with cool things on them, and all of a sudden we are attacked!" Red Moon, hissed, clearly upset about Moon.

"Maybe so, but Moon has not built trust with you, after all you were made by Eclipse, their enemy, so he has a reason." Killcode turned back to the fire, he was a bit upset with the fact Moon had attacked his only sons that had accepted him as their father.

Red Moon groaned a bit, crawling back up to Killcode, they looked around for something to eat, nothing spotted.

"Do you have anything for us to eat, father?" Red Moon asked, purring a bit. He smiled as he asked, making him seem very innocent, even though he wanted to eat blood and kill, and have fun galore.

"No right now, I do not. But, we could go fishing in the morning, does fish sound alright?" Killcode said smiling.

Red Moon thought to himself, fish didn't sound as appealing as a rat, but it would do okay. "Yes, yes, we would like a fish."

"Perfect, because I do not know how to hunt anything other than a human." Killcode yawned, falling to the floor, rubbing his head in the flowers.

Red Moon crawled up to Killcode, examining Killcode as he played around in the flowers. Killcode stopped when he noticed Red Moon, Killcode set up a tent, but not for two.

"Where do you want to sleep?.." Killcode looked around, and back at his tent. Red Moon looked over at the tent, crawling inside, sitting down confidently.

Killcode sighed, crawling inside as well, surprisingly there was enough room for the both of them, Killcode flopped to his side, Blood Moon laid on his stomach, resting his head on a pillow, grabbing a blanket Killcode had, they both laid comfortably until they both fell asleep. 

Sorry for the short ass chapter bruh 

This is the man we are talking about today guys  ‼️‼️

Also tomorrow/today there will be angst so buckle up buttercup 😆‼️

Also tomorrow/today there will be angst so buckle up buttercup 😆‼️

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