Solaced Crimson.

92 4 14

oh yeah angsty shit ( I think idk but there is comfort ! ) 

It was nearly 2 PM when Lunar woke up from whatever sort of nap he had, his arms stretching as his back arched a bit, a yawn creaking up his throat as he did so. He blinked to refresh his eyes, the light sinking into his pupils causing him to flinch from the sudden bright light.

He remembered Blood Moon almost immediately, he stretched his legs before flinging himself up and sprinting out of the toy house. He crawled through the tunnel, his warm and delicate eyes placing onto a sleepy Blood Moon, he frowned, sitting beside Blood Moon slowly.

He placed his palm on Blood Moon's back, even the thought of Blood Moon powering off made him feel so frightened. They also were yet to inform Killcode of Blood Moons state. Blood Moon yawned, adjusting his frame as he sat up, he sighed softly as he fixed his gaze on Lunar who was currently beside him.

"Blue man.." He spoke, his voice weak and bubbly. He gripped Lunar into a hug, Lunar following his embrace, Lunar rubbed Blood Moon's back as they both cherished each other's company. "May we.. speak with you.. Blue man?" Blood Moon asked, in need of some type of talk.

"Of course, what's up?" Lunar spoke, adjusting himself so he felt more attentive. Blood Moon frowned, as if figuring out words of choice. "We.." He paused, his frown turning more aggressive as if he regretted even asking. He shook his head, his frown trying to calm itself.

"We have been getting these.. random and abrupt urges to hurt.. but worse then they ever have.. and we fear for you all.." He spoke, his voice crackling as he did so, tears threatening to spill on the silky clothed sheet before him. He felt trapped in a cocoon of guilt, and shame.

Lunar frowned, he seemed understanding, but that wasn't the case at all. He never had felt those urges to harm another, but he could tell it was hard on him, and put so much upon him. "I've never.. felt those kinds of urges, but I will do my best to understand, I will tell Moon and Sun, so they can understand your situation further." He paused.

"And, I'm sorry it has put so much onto you, I know the pressure is intense, and it's okay to feel trapped, or scared, or even shameful, it's normal to feel that way, I believe you when you say this, so.. I am offering to lend my time to you, if you'd like, I can spend some more time away from you, to give you more space to understand your situation. It's going to be difficult, and it's going to be hard, and that's completely alright." Lunar spoke, his words full of sincere empathy, his gaze warm and his smile charming.

Blood Moon processed these words ever so slowly, his robotic heart shattering hearing all this empathy, for him. He hugged Lunar, he couldn't even speak, tears falling onto Lunar's back as he sobbed loudly. "Shh.. it's okay, let it out, I'm here for you.. I'm here, I'm right here.." Lunar hummed. "I'll listen to everything you have to say, it's okay." He hummed, Blood Moon sobbed even harsher than before.

"T-thank.. you Blue man.." Blood Moon choked out through a sob, his frown harsh and his tears splattered on Lunar's back. "Your welcome brother." Lunar spoke, his tone charming and joyful as if he was happy to have helped his brother let it out. "I'm proud of you for talking to me, it's all a very big step, and you took that step, I'm so so so proud of you." Lunar hummed.

Blood Moon began to let out tears of joy, mixed and combined with sadness, as if a mixture of feelings spiraling throughout his head. "You can always tell me if something's up.. okay?" Lunar spoke, patting Blood Moon's back. Blood Moon returned a slow and soft nod.

"Also.. we would appreciate it if you actually.. spent more time with us.. we were afraid you were going to be scared of us." Blood Moon spoke, his voice sincere but still sadness crackled through his tone. "I wouldn't.. no matter how bad it really is, I just wanna make sure you're okay." Lunar spoke, they both were still sharing embraces.

They heard a shuffling noise in the tunnel, most likely Moon returning from helping Sun fix up the daycare. He paused as he saw Blood Moon's face covered in dry, and crusted oil tears, and Lunar holding them in his embrace. He sighed, moving himself over to his computer to check upon something, before exiting to give them space.

Lunar sighed, placing Blood Moon gently so now he was laying on his side, he dropped a blanket over Blood Moon, adjusting it so that it was neatly tucking around his body, Blood Moon's sensors warmed and a comfy feeling erupted in his mind. "Goodnight Bloody.." Lunar whispered softly.

"Goodnight.. Blue Man." Blood Moon whispered gently back to him, before drifting into a slumber quickly as he closed his eyes. Lunar gently patted his back until he was already tired, he felt himself fall out of pure boredom, falling asleep beside Blood Moon.

Blood Moon jittered awake from the sudden movement. His eyes watching Lunar, he relaxed himself as it was apparently just his little brother, he wrapped Lunar in a blanket and sighed, before his jaws opened and released a yawn, he turned on his back, drifting to sleep once more.

Hope y'all enjoyed that

He is upset with you

He is upset with you

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Important : underlined words mean extremely sincere, or very understanding moments of words ! 

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