Thrashing Hues.

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Holy shut you guys I'm so sorry school started like a day ago and I completely forgot about my story for like a long while I'm so sorry but here you guys go


A few days had passed, everything was going just as it was before, perhaps even better, well, before Blood Moon was sick. Yes, he was sick, Moon was working his ass off to help him, trying to figure out what was causing this 'sickness.' He ran diagnostics daily, running through each and every crevice of Blood Moon's code.

Lunar was worried sick for his brother, constantly checking in on him, Blood Moon was losing energy within each and every visit, which made Lunar's unease even stronger and wicked. Sun wasn't as worried, but checked on Blood Moon whenever he could.

Blood Moon was rather, unenergized, he barely moved, nor did he want to. He had constant headaches, his other sleeping at all times. He hyperventilated throughout most days, Moon putting him at rest near the afternoon. Lunar was continuously asking Moon if he was alright, and if he was feeling well, Moon wasn't even sure, but made up answers to keep Lunar at bay.

Later that day, near the afternoon, Moon was going to do his usual, shut Blood Moon off, run diagnostics, and search throughout every crack or crevice in his code. He sighed as he popped through the tunnel, twisting his head to Blood Moon who was already hyperventilating. "Poor guy.." He spoke, crawling out finally, walking over to Blood Moon.

Blood Moon didn't even want to turn his head to Moon, he just let out a weakened groan, he sounded worried, and hurt. Moon sat beside him, pulling a blanket over Blood Moon, letting out a very deep, and concerned sigh. He reached for a power off button on Blood Moon's head.

Blood Moon let out a fierce growl, sharp and stern. Moon retreated, watching Blood Moon very closely after that alerting growl. "Don't worry Bloody, you'll be fine." He'd hum. Blood Moon returned a growl, it sounded real, almost sincere, he meant it, that was Moon's missed warning. A concerned, and also confused Moon gripped Blood Moon shoulders.

All so suddenly, a flash of blue and scarlet dashed throughout the room, thrashing and loud screeches, wailing limbs and eyes widening with pure confusion and anxiety. Moon screamed out of fear, a wave of aggression hitting his face as he was slammed against the wall, a striking amount of pain piercing through his sensors.

He let out a groan as he looked over at a crawling Blood Moon, he was in a crouch and looked like a predator catching its prey, he pounced, sending Moon wailing on the floor as they both thrashed their claws at each other. They both let out loud growls and yowls, some old paint flowing in the air at the rapid speed of their thrashing.

Blood Moon huffed, pouncing onto the bed in a retreat, he hyperventilated, almost like all that energy stole the soul out of him. He flopped down, catching his breath as his eyes closed. Moon was still watching Blood Moon, confused on how exactly he had avoided one of Blood Moon's warning growls, it was so painfully obvious it was a warning yet he hadn't noticed.

He slowly, but eagerly got up, watching his steps for them to not be so loud, small jingles leaving his steps as the bells rattled. He creeped closer to Blood Moon, all so swiftly gripping Blood Moon's shoulders, a yowl escaping him as he was so suddenly shut off, the yowl yet to be continued.

Moon held his head, flopping to sit down to a disabled Blood Moon. He blinked out of confusion, he flipped his head over to a thrashing through the tunnel, a worried Lunar looking at Moon with full empathy in his wide, warm, and round eyes. He let out a sigh, gesturing to Lunar to sit beside him. He coughed, as if avoiding anything that could have possibly been in his throat.

"I'll... uhm, explain everything, sit." He spoke, his tone soft, not like it once was throughout that abrupt brawl. Lunar flashed his eyes at the passed out Blood Moon, and back to Moon as he sat ever so slowly beside Moon, the explanation meeting his hearing sensors a few moments later.

Oh yeah 

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