If It's Love

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Ahnia In The MM (Ahjiea Niece)

Ahjiea POV

I get up and get ready for school. I get a text from Mio saying good morning. I don't understand why niggas just coming to me. I have to leave my guard up for this one cause I can't risk getting hurt by anyone. I had to take my nephew to school since they still at the hospital but it's fun hanging with my nephew che is such a character. I get him ready feed him and we out the door. I drop him off and see Mio. He called my name as I was exiting the building.

He ran up to me and said "Where you coming from?"

I said "Just dropping my nephew off at school wat about you."

He said "Nothing just doing my morning runs."

I said "Yea I see that now you have no shirt on."(His body was amazing)

He said "Yea I got hot what bout to do though."

I said "I'm actually bout to go to school."

He said "Okay can I take you somewhere tonight?"

I said "Sure of course just text me what time to be ready."

wHe nodded and went back to his run. I didn't want to get my hopes up but who wouldn't when you have somebody like Mio. I got in my car and headed to school. I got to school with a smile on my face. I went to my first class and got bored. So I checked my Twitter and I seen Desmond and Tre post.

Desmond Post
"Damn I hope you stop being stupid and open your eyes to what you doing. Blaming others for how you act is not it. I know I fuck up your life but it's not my fault that turned you into a hoe."
Damn why am I still getting worried about when I'm not with you. He kills me that the main reason why I didn't want him back into my life. He tries to say he not the reason I'm a hoe. But it's coo I see how it really is.

Tre'Nell Post
I fuck and said something that might have crushed some feelings. But I just said what I meant. But I lost a good friend but I ain't gone sweat it.

I really just had to get off Twitter because I was just bout to go off. I focus on my school work and left them where they at. I went to two more classes and went home. I got a text from Mio saying be ready at seven o'clock. I went to go get Anih from school. I took him to get ice cream and we went to the park. I let him play for an hour till I had to get him home. We went home and Akin was there.

I said "Why Nina and Ahnia ain't home? "

He said "They both were having problems so I came home to get more clothes and take Anih if you didn't want to watch him."

I said "I will watch him don't worry about it."

He nodded and continue doing what he was doing. I had to go call Mio and tell him.

Phone Conversation
Me: Mio my sister and law and my niece were having problems so I had to watch my nephew.

Mio: That fine he can come with us it ain't a problem.

Me: Thanks you for understanding.
End of Conversation

I went and got ready then got Anih ready for tonight. Akin had left already so I wasn't worried bout him asking where I'm going. Mio pulled up and we went outside. He looked nice with his sexy ass. I put Anih in the back seat and buck him in tight. I noticed that he had a little boy bout the same age as Anih in the car. I got in the car and looked at Mio. He ignored my stare and started driving.

He said "Why you so quiet?"

I said "I could ask you the same thing."

He laughed and said "No reason I see you notice my son back there."

I said "Yea why didn't you tell me you had a kid."

He said "Would it made a difference in you dating me."

I said "No it would made me get a better view of who you are."

We pulled up at this nice restaurant.

He said "Well this is my son Bahani he is 5.

I said "He is a cutie he gone break hearts when he grows up."

He said "Yea but better not break to many hearts cause it can come back to you."

I said "Well this is my nephew Anih and he is 4.

He said "He looks like he could be yo brother."

I laughed and we started walking into the restaurant. Just my luck guess who I run into at the restaurant. Desmond and I'm guessing his date. He was cute but I wouldn't think that would be his type. But hey if he like him he likem. I walk right past him like I ain't even know him. We got to our sits and waited for the waiter. To my surprise again Tre was here with his boyfriend. I ignore him to and just had a good time. We had a good time and Anih went to sleep so Mio carried him out the restaurant and I had his son hand. Desmond then came up to me.

He said "So is this how you do one big happy family."

I walked away and continue on with my having a good time. He drove us home and he carried Anih in the house and kissed me and then left. I like him he seems different from other niggas I have dated. I got on Twitter and seen Desmond posted something I didn't even care to read it. I just got in my bed and thought about life and people I lost. I thought about Sam and how I'm going to visit his grave tomorrow.

I woke up feeling good. I got a text from Mio saying good morning and have a good day. I got my self ready for today then I got Anih ready for school. We left out and I dropped him off and headed to see Sam. I went to the graveyard and found his grave. I sat in front of it and just started talking to Sam like we used to talk. When I left his grave I felt good letting my best friend know what been going on in my life. I went to the store because we needed food.

I was just walking down the aisle when I seen him again. I'm starting to think he stalking my ass. He came over to me.

He said "You better watch out cause you will always be mine and nobody else."

I didn't care to take in what he just said. I just kept shopping like nothing happened. I got done shopping and picked Anih up from school. We went home and just chilled and invited Mio and his son over for dinner.

Toxic Waste of LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora