🌻 Chapter 25

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Unfortunately, I was right, we are in deep doo doo. And it isn't just Rhiannon that's mad, Stacy is furious. The moment we return to the resort, the four of us are directed to a hut that inside looks like a meeting room with a long table and lots of chairs. 

I put down my shopping bags in the corner, out of the way. The others sit down at the table to wait but I'm so nervous I can't sit. I walk to the back window and pull the shutters open so I can see the ocean through all the palm trees and huts that dot the hillside down to the beach. They are chatting behind me but I can't hear their conversation above the sound of my nervousness.

My heart is beating fast, my breathing is a bit labored, and I'm sweating more than usual. I hate getting in trouble. I mean like hate, hate it. Like getting a tooth pulled without Novocaine, hate it. 

And I know that I really screwed up today. Neil gave me the keys, Rhiannon made it clear we couldn't leave without a cameraman. We signed a contract saying we would follow the rules. I'm just starting to feel nauseous when Stacy walks through the door. I turn quickly and can see by her expression that she is really mad at us.

Ry turns slightly in his chair to face her but he looks cool as a cucumber. In fact, he looks like he might be ready to reprimand her, in other words, his usual expression. Hayden stands up, but then casually perches on the table, stretching out his legs and crossing them at the ankles. Ellie doesn't even seem nervous, she barely moves in her chair, just looks up at Stacy's arrival.

Stacy is wearing one of her snazzy suits, today it's a charcoal color and instead of a skirt she has slacks. Her hands come to her hips. "I assume you know why you are here." I nod but no one else responds. "Does someone want to tell me what happened?"

My tongue feels thick, it would be better if someone else did the talking. Luckily, Hayden speaks up, "We went to town, we stopped at a coffee shop, then went to a mall. We did some shopping and had lunch then came back." I think he has gotten in trouble before because there is no sign of his usual playful self in the explanation.

"And where did you get the keys?" She looks at me. Oh gosh. Here we go.

Ry speaks before I can, "You already know the answer to that, Stacy. Any real questions or can you just get to the part where you tell us not to let it happen again?" I give a little gasp, Ry is as bold as they come.

Stacy looks perturbed, but she doesn't reply to Ry's back talk. She looks back to me. "Brooklyn, you're being awfully quiet. Tell me where the keys came from."

My face scrunches in sorrow, "I am so sorry, Stacy. Neil gave me the keys and I told him I'd wait for him to get the camera." I look down in shame. "But then we left without him. I'm so sorry. I promise that I'll follow the rules from now on." My eyes and voice are pleading with her.

Her voice has a hard edge, "NOT good enough!" She has really raised her voice now. "We lost an entire day of shooting with the four of you! You don't think viewers would have liked to have seen you shopping?! We could have gotten sponsorships from those stores for showing their names and products on camera! You have cost the show more money and footage than you realize! And for what? You wanted a day off?" 

I feel the tears slip down my cheeks, luckily it isn't the ugly cry yet. Even though my head is lowered in shame, I can hear she's looking around at all of us as she speaks. "You signed a contract to be on this show. We chose each of you above MANY other qualified candidates! I'm tempted to call some of them and see if any of them want your spots!"

She is quiet for a second, so I look up a bit. My tears are still streaming. Ry has his chin casually resting on his hand. He has a slightly bored expression on his face that says, 'are you done?' Ellie and Hayden both look slightly uncomfortable, but not overly concerned. And I'm a complete mess. Terrific.

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