Chapter 8

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I hastily get up. The nerves are coming back, the fear rising. He's the friend. I'm so confused. I want to just puke, but I remain standing. Speechless to what I'm seeing.

How can a private businessman be in cahoots with a shady director like Vartwild? It doesn't make sense. Even if he tried to convince her that I shouldn't be here, that I'm not crazy. But really, him?!

How he knows about Level 8. Is one of his many secrets, involves working in Level 8 while sideling as a bookstore owner. Could Level 8 be underneath his bookstore at this minute? I look up, anxiety running through my body. Is it that all this time I was up there working as a book seller, and his basement was Level 8.

Is Terra working here as well? I rub my temple on the side of my head. Her and those other teens were they helping him, or were they forced to watch as that poor guy got torched. It has to make sense. I then startle when I hear Emmet speaking again.

"It's okay, Naven. I won't hurt you."

I suddenly back away until I can feel my back, hitting the padded wall. Emmet walks closer. I don't see him. I try backtracking sideways, my head turning away from him.

"Naven, you can trust me."

I then stop. I wait a couple of minutes, until I look back at him. "Trust you." I then lean back at the wall, not knowing what to expect from Emmet. He already lied to me. I wonder what else he has been lying about. "You've been withholding a lot since you hired me."

Maybe the reason he hired me so fast was to keep using young people like me, to cover-up his dealings down here in Level 8. And with audacity, Emmet reaches out his hand. Ignoring his gesture, I continue to back away; my head turning left. I really don't want to see that lying face. Why should I trust him? Is it wise or is it blind stupidity.

That's what I been feeling lately.

"I know you must be thinking this is awkward." He says.

I don't think it's awkward, most likely unsafe. Emmet pleads out to me again that he wants to help me.

"I have others willingly to help you find the girl."

"I don't believe you. Why are you even Level 8."

"One of the perks of being the Director's friend."

I can't fudge it, how can Emmet work with that woman. This place is already creepy and now seeing Emmet. It makes me wonder. Is Level 8 underneath the bookstore? I look back up in the padded ceiling. Just wondering how far down is this place.

The bookstore might be a honey trap to bring kids and other mages, and then secret members abduct them down here to experiment. I can't see Terra, that girl with the emerald eyes being a Level 8 worker.

No one can hear our yells.

Could I be next in this experiment? I look back at Emmet, just wanting to know more about this place. Why is it so secret?

"How you know about this place?"

"I actually don't like being here." He replies adamantly.

"What is this place?"

"None of your concern."

"Why not?" I glance around the room, imaging what's beyond that door. Who else is here? "Is the rumors true about Level 8."

"That's not my priority. Mines, is to help you find that girl. That girl was your girlfriend right."

I nod slowly.

He walks closer inches towards me. I stand in dismay, my eyes lowering down. Should I really trust him?

"You have to believe me." He says softly. "Trust me."

The Raver (The Raver #1)Where stories live. Discover now