Chapter 10

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Furious is an understatement. I observe the others leaving and me being forced to stay here. Emmet once again provokes me. I don't know why he's doing this.

I observe him giving The Orre the half-piece he laid down on the table several minutes ago. For another minute, they chat. I just stand there seeing them talk briefly about something. I don't want to pester myself in listening into what they're saying.

How can I approach it? The man, who took me out of Level 8 and brought me down here to meet his group of magihunters, has no bounds.

I'm still left in shock that Emmet wanted me to remain while allowing the others to go on, maybe getting to Anita. Astounded, I then see Emmet about to head back upstairs, as if this was part of his normal routine.

Why doesn't he want me to help the others find Anita?

What else is he hiding?

"Emmet!" I yell his name demanding answers.

He stops near halfway up the stairs. He turns back to see me. "You're upset." He says softly.

"Yes!" I holler, "I wanted to go with them."

"You can't. Not now."

"Oh yeah, why not?" I walk forward questioning him again. "I thought I needed you guys."

Emmet stands collected. In his stern face, I'm amazed to see he actually have feelings for me. I thought the director did weird things, but Emmet could take the cake. Then after a few seconds hesitating to tell me anything, he does at last.

"You just wanted to meet them, remember."

As if I got shot in the stomach. What kind of response is that? Using my own words against me. He must love doing that to others. Feeling that gut-turning remark, my shoulders slump down in depression. Feeling irritated, I don't want to be here anymore. This feeling I'm sensing, developing within my unbalanced nerves wants me to leave.

I can't stay here.

"What I'm going to do?" I ask him.

I make a sly comment about me going back up there in the bookstore. Work as if nothing happened. Just do what Emmet has been doing, probably all his life. It's supposed to be a joke, yet I notice Emmet smirking fremdly.

"That's a good idea." He says. And like that, he heads back up. I lose him, as the basement ceiling blocks my view.

Is he serious? Why is he being so jumpy towards me?

The man I saw when I was at that cage, he was different. I missed that Emmet. Or was that just a ruse to help him and the something I can't get my mind around.

Aggravated, I walk towards the table. I bend down and as my hands feel the metal surface. I couldn't hang on any more. I unleash my anger, my right fist hitting the hard surface. A loud thud is heard.

The pain is mild, but I accept the small ache. Compare to the rage I'm trying to hold on before I completely lose it. I try to check myself. As the pain on my hand recedes, I'm furious. My lips close to suckering in. These last weeks have been an inescapable nightmare. I feel myself suffocating, thinking about the constant bad things that has happening around me. How my life has been a mess from top to bottom.

I just can't imagine why Emmet wants me out from this. As I glare at the table, I'm suddenly saying these words within my mind.

My name's Naven Blackvale. I'm just sixteen.

I'm a normal guy. I may not be a magihunter.

Who is stupid and is watching my life being wasted.

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