Chapter 19

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Silas leans down to pick up the parchment. "You're okay?"

I stare not at Silas, but to a blank area. Stunned my elbows slump, I feel my balance losing. I speedily plop down on one of the metal stools. My hands hold onto both knees, I bend slightly down. Is it odd or what.

The story about the boy who saw himself as The Raver, all those things he experienced was exactly the same I done. Baffled beyond belief, I try to hold my head up. My hand leans in-between my lower lip and chin. Confusion reigns through my mind.

My whole life has been this quagmire.

I thought this story was created thousands of years ago. This recluse mage author rumored to be still hiding in the place, he written this fable. Whyte must have known about me to predict this. He probably knew all these horrifying things that did happened in my life so far, was going to happen. And no one could prevent what was eventually coming true.

Looking back at Silas, I let him know how similar the fable sounds like some of the events I faced. I tell him the comparisons, the dark day to the fire. The lives of three to my parents and—what I thought was my sister being the third dead body, was now revealed to be the senior family maid, Unda. The other comparison is what some of the malefics has been calling me, Harbinger. It mentioned that exactly to the fable. The albatross to the family curse Merissa have yet to tell me about. There are more, yet Silas doubts that.

"The fable was created many years ago. Mr. Whyte intended the story to be imaginary."

I would hope it still is, yet the way the story has been read felt like I was recollecting my life in parchment form. But the only one, who would divulge in the fable's origins, is the mage author himself. I think it's best to find Mr. Whyte. He could've been an oracle or something. I tell this to Silas, but he doesn't want to believe it. He tells me Whyte has been a recluse for years. Nobody knows where he dwells.

"I got this feeling. I'm the inspiration of The Raver."

Silas laughs. I get upset and push him. "This isn't a joke." Silas tells me to calm down, that we may never know the true origin. But I pursue him about Whyte's rumors. Silas has to know some place the reclusive could be. Silas bends his head down and can't figure it out.

"I know I'm asking a lot from you, but I think..."

"Can't give you the answer you need." Silas states.

"But you have to know at least where he is. He has something that I want."

In a strange way, Tal predicted all of this. He knew about me not having a true home, and that I'm full of tragedies. My parents and some close friends being gone. How a mage can predicted these events thousands of years ago. How that figure knew all of this was to happen to me.

And there could be more, I don't know about. I have to find out from the mage. I need his location.

Silas leans his head down, as he looks like he's cogitating. He looks back at me. Suddenly shifting his head left, he mumbles some words. I can't hear him straight and concise.

But it sound like this, "Shucks if Lance was here."

I pause in shock. This is the first time any one of the Shadowhawks members mentioned his name. I then hear a forceful voice, "Don't dare speak that name!"

We both turn to see Terra coming down the stairs. I quickly stand up, my eyes transfixed on her. I'm thrilled to see her back, but I then notice she's the only one.

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