Chapter 1:

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Deku/Ray's POV:

'Connys dead and it's your fault, you watched everyone die and you did NOTHING'
'Run faster, be smarter so you can survive'
'They all hate you'
'Its your fault'
I shot up out of bed breathing heavily. Another nightmare I've been barely able to sleep this past week I've been staying up late studying and these nightmares keep waking me up. I turn to look at the clock on my bedside table.

6 o'clock

Climbing out of bed I head into the bathroom to wash my face, my attention is drawn to my hair which is almost completely black. Fuck my hair dyes almost completely faded. I rummage through my bathroom looking for spare hair dye but it's no use I've ran out.

Damn I guess I'll just have to buy hair dye after class but I wonder how everyone will react to my actual hair colour. I grab the foundation from the cabinet and cover my tattoo on my neck before putting in my green contacts and heading down to the common room, and entering the kitchen.

"Good morning midorya!" I heard as I walked in.
"Good morning sato!" I reply as I approach the snack cabinet and pull out a breakfast bar.
"Why are you up so early? It's 6 am" I questioned
"Oh the girls wanted me to make pancakes and we have training at 7 today"
Training at 7 in the morning?! What could they possibly want from us so early in the morning?
"Should I wake up the others?" I offered
"I-if you want to that would be great- thank you midorya"

I spammed the group chat and asked for everyone to come downstairs for breakfast and because we had training earlier today, and before long almost everyone was in the common room chatting amongst themselves.
"Why do we have training so early today!!" Mina whined while leaning on the couch defeated by tiredness.
"We already get buildings dropped on us weekly cant Aizawa sensei take it easy on us for once?!!" Kaminari chimed in
"OI EXTRAS QUIT WHINING AND HELP DIABETIES BRING OUT BREAKFAST" bakugo shouted at them whilst handing out plates of pancakes to the class.

"Bakugo it's to early to be shouting you sound too much like my dad" todoroki added
"WHAT DID YOU SAY ICY HOT BASTARD!!" Kachan screamed at todoroki,
Whilst momo tried to stop bakugo from killing todoroki I sat on the couch munching on my breakfast. No one has given me a weird stare yet so I think I might be in the clear for now.

"Midorya may I ask why your hair is black?" Iida said whilst doing his normal hand gestures. I choked on my breakfast and started coughing bringing even more attention to myself, great, PERFECT TIMING. Inhaling deeply I look up at everyone.
"One second" I choke out before standing up.
"Midorya-" Iida continued
"It's fine Iida kun! I dye my hair green, black is it's natural colour" I say awkwardly chuckling as everyone stares at me, a few seconds of uncomfortable silence followes before somone spoke up.

"That's so manly midobro! Your just like me!" Kirishima said clearly exited that he wasn't the only one that dyed his hair.
Soon the others joined in complimenting my hair before loud booms where heard.

I sigh classic kacchan, I return my plate to the kitchen and head to my room to get changed into my training uniform. As I leave the room I look at the calendar on my wall, 12 January...four years ago today we escaped the promised never land (A.K.A the demon world) and tonight everyone was meeting up to catch up with each other and to celebrate our escape. I rush out of my room and meet Iida, uraraka, todoroki and tsui by the door to the dorms. We walk together to the training grounds and meet Aizawa sensei.
"Good morning problem we are doing weapon training it was brought to the schools attention that in some situations your quirks could be ineffective or entirely useless, you little shits depend a whole lot on your quirks so today you will be learning how to use a variety of different weapons. We also have a special guest who will help teach you guys the basics of each weapon if you ask or need help" He said before returning to his yellow sleeping bag. A short figure walks toward the class and starts to introduce themselves.

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