Chapter 14:

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Hey bitches guess who's BACK 👹👹 guess which emo is being a angsty hormonal teenager!!
Also just wanna say thank you guys for commenting I low-key crack up every time I read a comment and it gives me an extra motivation boost ❤️

Morse code
Another language (English)

The white painted ceiling stairs back down at me tauntingly, its pureness greatly contrasts my own.
If I had it my way it would be black- or a dark emerald green. Honestly I probably could paint it but I'm not up for the challenge or explaining why I lost my security deposit to Yuuie, not to mention black or any dark colour for that matter- doesn't quite fit izukus character. Ugh 1-A would have a field day with that one!

Ah- everything's 1-A this and 1-A that, 1-A can't find out-, 1-A's being nosey again, 1-A- blah blah blah!

I hate it.
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
I hate having to hide everything from my friends, my family, from everyone!  I hate this stupid curse, I hate what they did to us. I hate them, I hate every single demon that has ever made my siblings life's hell. I hate the memories and I hate the pain! The very exact pain that some of my siblings still have to live through! Norman... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Isabella's right- I need to pick a fucking lane. Do I want to hide or do I not?

I sigh and ultimately deciding to get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I fumble blindly in the dark trying to not walk straight into a wall, I tip toe round my room trying to locate my contacts. I had put them on my desk just before I went out with Emma to re-introduce her to 1-A on a non rushed and less formal basis. I bump into something and almost trip over it; my chair.

I delicately pat the space in front of the chair quickly finding my desk and then my contacts. I glide my hand along the wall letting it guid me to my bathroom and to it's light switch. Hesitantly I turn on the light quickly closing my eyes as a burning pain takes place under my eyelids. Rubbing my eyes I let them adjust to the sudden brightness of the plain white bathroom. As quickly as I went into the bathroom I exit having put on my coloured contacts. Debating if I should leave the bathroom light on or off I chose the path of laziness and quietly make my way to my door now that the bright bathroom light lites up my room.

Making sure not to make a noise I exit my dorm room and start making my way down the moon lit hallways. I pass by the common room to get to the kitchen and see Emma sleeping on the couch. Well- I though she was sleeping until she shifted and sat up facing me, squinting in the dark trying to make out who I am.

"Emma." I whisper at her. She immediately scoots over on the couch and invites me to sit next to her.

"Ray, Sit with me." She softly reply's.

I do as she says, walking along the carpeted floor toward where Emma sat on her make shift bed. I take a seat next to her and laid back on the back of the couch relaxing into its cushions. I let out a small sigh though it sounded much louder when put in this quiet and still environment.

"You okay Emma? Are you still having trouble sleeping?" I say as I try to relax further into the couches cushions.

"Yea a little bit. It's been getting better recently so I didn't bring any melatonin. I think it's just because I'm sleeping somewhere new, it was like this when I was first adopted into my new family. How about you Ray?" She sighs with frustration shifting so that she's hunched over with her face in her hands.

I lean forward and put a hand on her back reassuringly. She sighs once more as she leans back into the couch taking a deep breath.

"Me? I can't stop thinking about what Isabella said, god I need some advice. I want what's best for our family but a part of me just can't help but be selfish. I've seen the younger ones struggle with not telling anyone about "the orphanage" and I've been struggling a little bit recently with keeping up this facade. But at the same time I can't help but feel this gag order is the only thing from keeping us out of jail. Us, mabye? Not so much but Norman and his little gang however- I can't guarantee they won't face any charges. Isabella's right, I do like to hide. I don't want my classmates to know- I don't want Kacchan to know. I hate that she's correct, running away and evading my problems is almost second nature to me. Why-why am I like this?" I vented to her trying my best to stay quiet as to not wake my classmates.

This is all too much, the pressure of everything. I need to keep a good public image or else my hero career is doomed, and I need to get my government files sorted out before I get called into Nedzu's office again.

"And you know what really sucks? The same government that is trying to keep this whole situation under wraps didn't even bother with my file! Now the principal of UA is onto me!" I inhale sharply a hand to my face in frustration.

"Do you think if they didn't bother with yours- did they even bother with ours?" I heard Emma say from her place beside me.

"This is going to be one big shit show." I groan.

She hums in agreement sharing my frustration.
"But I don't understand, but back to what Isabella said. Why are you so worried about Norman and his friends become convinced felons? The crimes they committed weren't even on this side of the earth. Plus, I think we can sugar coat most of the things we did. Like how we set the orphanage of fire, it could have been an accident for all they know. And are you really only worried about the children? What about the mothers? Don't you think that if we could still be brought to court for crimes committed on the other side of the world don't you think the moms would be in some deep shit?"

I sigh at her response, she's correct. But I can't help but worry about my family. I watched them all grow up and I couldn't care less about the people who were sending us away to be turned into merchandise.

"You're right there, but I also need you to take into account the future for everyone. If this information gets out and the public doesn't take kindly to a UA student being part of it my hero career would be thrown out of the window. I may even lose my quirk..." Sighing for the umpteenth time tonight I stand up walking forward a couple steps before stopping and turning to look over my shoulder.

"I'll leave you with that information for now. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight." I leave her with that as I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water, I down it in one go before turning back to head for my dorm where I'll lay for the rest of this sleepless night.

Words: 1235

Hey guysss!! Sorry for not updating for- like 2-3 months? I'm off hiatus now but I've kinda been struggling mentally recently. I hope you understand but I'm glad I managed to get this chapter out today because it's the one year anniversary of this fic!!! Wooooo!! Thank you all for your support so far and I hope you have a great day :)


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