Chapter 13:

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Let's go bitches‼️ also thanks for 10k reads I didn't think ppl would like my writing this much 😭❤️ (edit from like 2 days later: THANK YOU FOR 11K WHAT THE FUCK-)
This shite is for another language (English)
And this shite is for morse code (or dramatic affect)

Kacchan (for once in his fucking life) stayed silent, possibly processing this information. After another painfully long silence, he speaks up again.

"How'd she get your number?" He spoke in a painfully hushed tone greatly contrasting his previous tone of voice.

"I dunno.... Kacchan? Can you promise me something?" I answered the blond standing at my side watching the skin on my hand be pulled up with a stubborn splinter.

Before he could muster the words to answer I continued.

"Don't listen to her, if she gets your number somehow don't listen to her. Please." I pleaded weakly. I can't believe this, showing such vulnerability in front of my class. Infront of Emma no less...

The splinter ripped part of my skin as it finally dislodged itself from within my flesh. A sharp sting from the alcohol accompanied the sensation soon after.

The next five minutes (give or take) were spent in silence. The only interaction between 1-A was shouji passing the lamp to ojiro-kun because one can only hold a lamp in the air for so long. Momo sighed heavily again as she glanced at the paper towel beside her, generously doused in my blood and splinters of different lengths and sizes.

She placed the tweezers so the tip was on the paper towel. Assuming she was done I made a move to retract my hand from the table and hopefully retreat back to my dorm to get some shut eye only for it to quickly be shoved back down onto the table top. (More like slammed)

"Don't move Midoryia. You still have splinters In your hand, I'll have to use a needle from now on." She said clearly distracted and thinking about other things. In other words she seemed out of it, but that was an expression that decorated everyone's faces.

Out from her index fingers tip emitted a pale blue light as particles gathered to form a brighter blue as they converted themselves into a shiny silver needle. The light shone of it into my eyes blinding me for a moment as I retreated back into the crook of my elbow waiting for her to pick at my hand with the sharp instrument.

I jumped ever so slightly as Momo pricked my skin in an attempt to pull a thin splinter from my middle finger. Emma- who was now sat in a chair like a couple of the other members of 1-A -gently rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me. Slowly her hand made its way up from my back, to my nape, and to the bottom of my hairline. She fiddled and started to play with my hair. The green locks bouncing as she intertwined them with her fingers, twisting and turning them to bend and bounce at her will.

Though I'm not complaining, this did a number on my anxiety. Honestly. If I wasn't so aware of the stinging pain emitting from my hand I probably could have fallen asleep right then and there without the thought of them judging me. Their red, glowing beady eyes and the dark purple aura of negative emotions that swarmed around-

"Ah-!" I hissed at no one In particular, my fingers curl slightly in an attempt to get away from the pain.

'Sorry' I heard her mutter under her breath still poking around at the skin on my palm.

The silence was tense, and the atmosphere was even more so. I lift my head from my arm to sneak a glance at the progress and determine whether or not I would be able to get away with whatever was left in my hand. Momo silently worked on my palm hunched over slightly as Ojiro-kun adjusted the light ever so slightly with is tail. Iida-kun had his hand resting on Momo's upper back reassuringly. His gaze fixed on what I thought to be my palm.

I followed his line of sight to where he was staring almost in a trance-like state at my forearm, now under the bright lamp light the scars were more visible than ever: every scratch, every wound, and every cut.

My heart dropped to my stomach as a sudden wave of nausea overtook me, taking everything in me not to run and lock myself in the bathroom and throw up till there was nothing left in my stomach to eject.

"Midoriya?... are you okay? You look unwell, and if you don't mind me asking-" Iida spoke breaking the silence effectively grabbing everyone's attention.

"I do mind you asking..." I was quick to cut him off. I don't need him asking about anything! The phone call, my arms, my hair, hell! Even my attitude! He doesn't need to know jack shit! Scratch that- He cant even know!

I inhale sharply, unfortunately it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Midoryia, I see what Iida means. Are you sure you're okay?" Kirishima breaks the silence once again.

"Ah- sorry. Just peachy." I catch myself, another slip up. Great. And I was doing so well up until yuuie!

I glanced at my palm again as the poking from the needle never seemed to cease. Yaomomo seemed to be starring extra hard at a particularly stubborn splinter.

"Momo-san? Uhm- do you think that the rest of the splinters would come out naturally? It's getting late and I don't want to keep anyone up just because I wasn't being careful.." I sighed awkwardly, a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead in an apologetic manner.

"Midoryia-kun it's nothing like that!" She quickly raised her head from looking at my hand- breaking her focused state.

"Ah it's fine momo-san it's getting late and we have school tomorrow, we should rest up so we can preform our best. I'll visit recovery girl in the morning if it makes you feel better? Plus I imagine your hand must be getting tired-" I turn to look at ojiro "-and your tail must be getting tired as well." Momo sighs in defeat and starts to pack up making your swear to visit recovery girl tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Everyone retreats back into their rooms for the night with questions that are bound to keep them up for the night.


Words: 1090

Sorry I haven't really been updating recently, I try to remember to make time but it's kinda hard rn. There's a lot of academic pressure on me rn because I'm actually finishing school 6 weeks early. I still have to complete all of my assessments before I leave unless a teacher excuses me from an assessment. I haven't really been writing and updating as much recently because I've been busy writing stuff for assessments and such- like how I have a graded 12 minute presentation the day after I publish this chapter. The reason I am finishing school early is because of a school trip that I am part of where for the last 6 weeks of school we are taken to the outback basically and learn a bunch of survival shit and do a lot of outdoor learning. But we also get our phones and electronics taken away so we have no contact with the outside world for those 6 weeks. Which leads me into my next topic- my 6 week hiatus. I'll come back after so you don't have to worry about this being the end of the book but I thought It would be important to address this now rather than later. I still have about a week left until I leave and I'll try and post one more chapter before I go but there's no guarantee that I'll post before then... but at least when I come back title be summer holiday and I'll have so much time to write more chapters for you! (And sorry about this chapter it's a lil rushed I just wanted it out)

- cake

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