Chapter 7:

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Omg I swear I'm becoming one of those writers that uploads at random I'm sorry but here's another chapter!! Also sorry this was kinda rushed 😅 Enjoy :)

The walk towards the canteen was quiet, thoughts racing through my head at hundreds of miles per hour. Every now and then we would get a weird stare. probably because I was mumbling but I couldn't help it.

"midoryia-kun over here! we saved a seat for you two! quick come eat before break ends." *kero*

Just as quickly as we entered we sat down at the table. The conversation was nice nothing too much just them asking questions directed Emma.

"Midoryia, Akoi, are you not gonna eat anything? You haven't gotten anything yet." Todoroki stopped the current ongoing conversation about heroes. God damnit why does he pay so much attention to the little things.

"ah haha..I don't think I will be able to stomach anything after what I was jus told..haha?" i lightly chuckled hoping to dispel any tension in the atmosphere that would surely arise after my answer.

"Midoryia! You are a growing hero! It is important for a hero to eat as much nutritious food as possible! It is important to fuel yourself before training so that you can function better as a hero student!"

"Aoki isnt eating anything either." I swiftly answer turning the attention to Emma.

She slowly turned her gaze to me as she was getting an earful from Iida wearing a how-could-you-do-this-to-me glare. I could see she was smiling and sweating nervously not expecting the lecture from Iida but by the way she slowly sank into her seat she was clearly dying inside, and oh it was obvious.

"Right! Iida I think it's time to go to class don't wanna be late and disappoint Mr. Aizawa now don't we?" Uraraka quickly butted in saving Emma (and me) from Iida's endless lecture. In return Emma mouthed thank you at Uraraka and she returned a mouthed 'no promblem' back.

She lightly laughed as she stood and got up from the table, I stood soon after following the students that were slowly pouring out of the canteen. The walk on the way back was filled with mostly chatter talking about what classes we have and how we're so glad it's Friday.

"Oh on the topic of classes what class do we have next? Do you know?" Emma asked to no one in particular.

"Oh I think we have history and then heroics? Isn't it funny some times I forget that we still have to study high school subjects because the teachers keep going on and on about being the future hero's of this generation. Aha it sounds funny saying it out loud sorry Aoki." Uraraka answered her question as we arrived to class.

We made our way over to our respective seats to wait for the lesson to begin. Not to soon after we sat down the door opened to reveal a sleep deprived Aizawa which shut up the class. He made his way over to the lectern and plugging in his laptop to something.

"Right class, today you will be learning about something that has been newly introduced to high schools around japan. It has no official name other than a few letters which we are yet to have information as to what they stand for, those letters being GF. Now if you'll just look at the board behind me we can get started on the lesson."

My breathing hitched at the indication of grace field, I started to lose focus as my breathing got heavier and unsteady. My eyes glued themselves onto my note book as the world around me spun and a drilling headache manifested. I was snapped back from my thoughts by a small but aggressive poke in the back by Emma. I refocused back on the board as I brought my hands up to massage my forehead as the headache raged on within. I took a deep breath in a attempt to calm me and my headache, to no avail it wouldn't leave me alone. I don't have time to cry I'm in class for god sake!

I slowly tuned into what Aizawa sensei was saying.

"-children appeared out of nowhere. Now moving on if you would focus your attention back on the board we where given special access to a few photos from different orphanages that supposedly held these children there unknowingly captive, or so were told."

He changed to the next slide and was met with five photos I scanned through them looking to see if our farm happened to be on the slide and lone behold the last picture on the slide was a group photo of everyone together, my mind filled in the blanks of where their censored faces were. The class really took there time scanning through the photos taking in new information. Making comments every now and then about a couple of kids.

So Isabella was telling the truth when they said they were releasing information about our farm, the only photos on this slide are from the grace field plantations. I wonder if any of the information here is from any of the other farms, cause it sure doesn't look like it...

He went on to talk about all of the different 'orphanages' and daily activities that they performed, though not in very much detail because SOMEONE DOESN'T WANT THAT INFORMATION RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC YET!

Ahm....there weren't many photos to show just different pictures of other farms, some of the other farms looked more like orphanages like grace field. However others looked more like...well, farms.

The lesson continued and ended up showing the back of our books from back at the orphanage. More specifically Mr. Minerva's books he wrote for us. 

"It's a shame that we don't have more material to work with for this lesson. Now talk to each other about the 'GF' incident, I will give extra homework if I hear anything concerning other topics." Aizawa spoke leaving us be as he retreated into his yellow sleeping bag.

"Midoryia! Don't you think the farms are just so fascinating.." Emma spoke up from behind startling me before I turned around to face her.

"Yes...I wonder what it was like to be raised in a fake orphanage." I replied back emphasising on the word wonder for obvious reasons. (To us at least)

"Oh! And please call be izuku or Deku! There is no need for formalities!"

"Right! Please call me Minato then! Any friend of Kei Is automatically my friend too!" She replied without much thought.

We continued to chat about the 'orphanages' until we were approached by Denki. He walked over proudly as Mina and sero snickered quietly in the background as other quieted down to watch the scene in front of them unfold.

"Hey! Deku and Akoi! Watch this!" Denki called out as he tapped a rhythm on my desk. We watched closely at the pen slowly spelling something out.

Ur dad


I think he failed saying ur mum..

words: 1180


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